The Need for Good People

“The need for a state of morale that arises from the pure nature itself, from the battle itself, was emphasized by Plato in all his works, and more than twenty centuries later by Kant and his successors.

There is no philosopher who considered himself such, or a thinker who would doubt this need. Despite the fact that with the decline of the classical world, this self-evident need became conditioned by strong theological, political and social, or purely economic currents.

The development of instrumental mechanics in the physical world was accompanied by a similar process in the metaphysical world, as a result of which the individual gradually got stuck in the quagmire of what we can call the “cult of process” and procedures.

In this way, human innate goodness became conditioned by his religion, family origin, geography, race, and many other assumptions that could fill pages and pages of what could become a detailed collection of prejudices and superficiality.

Humanity has become oč” In the face of shattered ethical platforms, people have resorted to various plans and systems, different forms of vessels instead of content. Imagining evil as something real – no longer simply a lack of good but a tangible presence – people have turned to exorcisms of all kinds, depersonalized in the super-individual. The being takes a back seat, conditioned by means that will, hypothetically, through faith or reason, create a perfect human out of their own imperfections.

We can imagine this as the belief that by gathering clay bricks together in a certain way, we will build a wall of monolithic rock, simply because the “magic” of combination will transform the nature of individual components.

Centuries of spiritual massification were followed by modern production on an assembly line; without real verification, it was believed that combining the partial with the partial would create a creature rich in virtues and goodness, identical to its predecessors and those before them. who will follow him. Moreover, the idea of evolution based on the principle of “trial and error” has been accepted.

However, he stopped being an important person in order to give priority to the community, as if people were just a mere invention of the system and as if their own systems gave them the right to survive because of their ability to adapt and lose any personality… if it was even accepted as such.

Products from the assembly line are evaluated based on where they come from, that is, with respect to the system that created them.

Christians are good, “pagans” are bad.
Nobles have “blue blood,” while others are “peasants.”
The people are good, and the kings are bad… Long live the guillotine!
A worker is good, an industrialist is bad.
A soldier is more valuable than a farmer, or vice versa.
“The chosen people”… “God’s people”… It seems that in order for there to be the “good” ones, they need the “bad” ones.

This common denominator is the reason why we talk about Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, whites, blacks, the rich, the poor… educated and uneducated people. This is racism in all its colors.

This mass desire for collective redemption and collective destruction of those who do not participate in this or that redemption, this or that class or party, fully relies on systems, beliefs, clans, and acceptance. The individual loses importance to such an extent that it is incomprehensible that someone is not involved and does not act in a currently popular party or group.

However, the actual collapse of communism, fascism, Nazism, and capitalism, with all their corresponding political, social, and economic characteristics, has sowed doubt in the effectiveness of the system among the people. Despite the fact that almost all nations of the world crave democracy and the right to vote, which may be controlled by powerful centers of power, at the moment when they need to approach the ballot boxes, half of them refuse to do so, and where voting is mandatory, the ballot paper is left blank or the lists created by the system are deliberately boycotted.

With the exception of nje kvalitetu, neće donijeti ništa korisno. Dakle, ključno je osvijestiti da se pravi problem ne nalazi u sustavima, već u moralnoj kvaliteti ljudi koji ih provode. Samo kada imamo ispravne, poštene i sposobne vođe možemo očekivati da će društvo prosperirati i biti u miru. Oh, the agony it will be for those ruled by them.
The myth of collective redemption through the system has shown its flaws. Over time, the best organized and most natural systems quickly fail if they are not supported by men and women who are honorable and moral, in a word: GOOD.

What we need is not the victory of certain parties or political, social, or religious groups. What we need are good people and for those good people, who should be recognized as such, to be given the most responsible positions. If this were done, they would accept them, not out of personal ambition, but out of a spirit of nobility and solidarity.

Returning to Plato, a good shoemaker has a duty to make shoes for everyone, a good tailor clothes for everyone, and so on. The one who rules over themselves, who tames their passions and organizes their ideas through the strength of their will, is most suited to dedicate what is best within them to all members of the community.

If we manage to affirm these good individuals If we give people the necessary cultural instruments, they can adopt any form of governance, because every form of governance in their hands will be effective.
If a good person is at the head of a religion, whatever it may be, they will awaken the presence of God in their followers, as they will see Him reflected and possible in him. If a good person dedicates themselves to art, science, or any other activity, it will be clear to everyone, enlightened by their own goodness, and it won’t matter which path they choose, because in their goodness, they will always choose the best one.
It is necessary to realize that simply transitioning from the 20th to the 21st century is not enough to stop racism, persecution, illegal enrichment, or genocides; it is necessary to change “from within,” esoterically, so that the contaminated machinery of the system makes way for good people.
It is necessary to discover them, highlight them, and help them.
For a person, there is no greater enemy than another person if they are bad, nor a better friend. It would be of greater assistance if he is kind.