The Arena in Pula

The term “arena” for the amphitheater only emerged in the Middle Ages. Older writers also mention this word as “La Rena” because the Italian words “arena” and “rena” have the same basic meaning – sand. Namely, the central area of the amphitheater was a round or elliptical fighting pit covered with sand, and the entire structure was named after this part. The word “amphitheater” has Greek origins (Gr. amphiteatheatron – double theater, Lat. amphitheatrum), and it also means a theater in which the seats are arranged around the stage (amphi), that is, around the fighting area. na i podzemni prostor. Borilište je bio centralni dio amfiteatra u kojem su se održavale gladijatorske borbe i drugi spektakli. Prostor za gledanje se sastojao od tribina koje su bile podijeljene u zone prema društvenom statusu posjetitelja. Podzemni prostor je bio namijenjen skladištenju rekvizita, životinja i drugih potrebnih stvari za održavanje priredbi.

Povijest i značaj amfiteatra

Kolosej je izgrađen u 1. stoljeću u Rimu i smatra se jednim od najimpresivnijih primjera rimske arhitekture. Služio je kao mjesto za održavanje javnih spektakala, poput gladijatorskih borbi, lova na divlje životinje i raznih kazališnih predstava. Bio je simbol moći i veličanstvenosti Rima, kao i središnje mjesto okupljanja građana. Danas je Kolosej jedna od najpoznatijih turističkih atrakcija u Rimu i važan dio svjetske baštine.

The exterior of the arena is made of limestone blocks and has three stories. The lower two stories have arches with windows, while the upper story has small openings. With a wall crown and a gutter to collect rainwater at the top, it reaches a height of 32.45 meters on the sea, west side.

It is estimated that more than 8000 m3 of stone had to be extracted, processed, and transported just for the construction of the outer perimeter wall. The outer perimeter wall was built with regular blocks, some as large as 2 m3, with well-fitting surfaces. The stone blocks were tied together with iron clamps that were cast with lead.

An integral part of the Arena are four symmetrically arranged towers in the outer walls. On the tops of the towers were water tanks for supplying fountains located in front of the Arena and near the fighting area, as well as devices for spraying fragrant liquids inside the arena. ca.

The battlefield was measured along the axes, with a length of 67.90 m and a width of 41.60 m. During the games, it was covered with sand to remove traces of blood from the fighters and slain animals. Spectators were separated from the battlefield by a 3 m tall wall. There was a corridor around the fence used by the amphitheater staff.

At the northern entrance, beneath the stone seats, there were cages for wild animals. They were connected by an underground passage along the main axis of the battlefield. Beneath the battlefield, there were underground passages and spaces used as storage rooms and accommodations for gladiators.

Gladiatorial games

Amphitheaters provided opportunities for various performances. However, The main heroes of the battlefield were definitely gladiators. Their name comes from the short sword, Latin “gladius,” with which the gladiators were armed. They had their own schools and teachers, they lived collectively, and were guarded by special military guards because there were many cases of rebellion and attempts to end their fate in any way possible. Gladiators practiced with much heavier weapons in their schools than they later had in battle. They were well-fed and under constant medical supervision. Among the gods mentioned as protectors of gladiators were Mars, Diana, Hercules, and rarely Sylvanus.

Gladiatorial games were usually organized during holidays, celebrations of triumphs, temple dedications, etc. They were most often organized by state officials for the entertainment of the plebs, as part of the state policy of “bread and circuses” (panem et circenses), where the distribution of grain, wine, and oil on the one hand, and entertainment on the other hand, were supposed to divert the attention of the ordinary people from everyday problems.

Before the start of the fights, the gladiators would participate in a solemn ceremony The gladiators toured the battleground shouting, “Greetings from those who will die!” This was followed by the presentation of the fight schedule and a weapons inspection. The gladiators fought dressed ceremonially for the games. The games began with the performance of school fights, which followed the rhythm of the music using blunt, non-combat weapons.

Gladiatorial battles in amphitheatres were differentiated by the type of weapons used, the fighting style, and the costumes worn. Typically, they were armed with a short sword and a spear, protected by a helmet and a shield or a net, a trident, and a short sword, or they would have two swords or only spears. Gladiators could also fight on chariots or horses.

In the beginning, they fought in pairs, but later they fought in units. The gladiators who were timid or avoided intense clashes were driven into battle with whips and heated iron bars. A wounded or exhausted gladiator could plead for mercy from the emperor or the audience, or they could be condemned to death by a special gesture. The lucky survivors, or The winners were awarded a palm, a wreath, a cash prize, or something similar as a sign of victory.

When Christianity became the state religion, emperors started banning cruel amphitheater games, and they were abolished by imperial edicts in 404 and 423.

Another popular type of game was the display of hunting wild animals, such as lions, panthers, bears, bulls, etc., as well as organizing beast fights. These were alternated with battles between wild and enraged animals and battles between gladiators and beasts. Generally, these types of games were accompanied by great splendor and magnificence in terms of stage arrangement.

In both the Western and Eastern Roman Empires, beast games lasted slightly longer than gladiator games, until the 6th century, although they were not as cruel later on.

Hello everyone, this is a common value, and it was probably built with the funds of the central Roman authority. Among previous researchers, as well as experts in ancient architecture, different opinions have been expressed regarding the construction time, from the 1st to the 5th century, but it has been ultimately accepted that the construction time, its expansion, and additional construction do not exceed the framework of the 1st century.

However, around the middle of the 1st century, due to the prosperity of the colony and the increase in the number of inhabitants, there was a need for its enlargement and additional construction. The outer perimeter wall with semicircular arches, with its enormous blocks and their rustic treatment, corresponds in every aspect to the construction style and technique used on the monuments.
With the decline of classical civilization, from the 6th century onwards, the Arena loses its function, social significance, and role. The stone of the Arena has since served as a source of good and ready construction material. In order to preserve the amphitheater from complete destruction due to the removal of construction materials, the Aquileian patriarch took the first initiative. Between 1260 and 1273, he determined that any removal of stone material from the amphitheater would be punished with a fine of one hundred Byzantine gold coins. On the day of Saint John, the patron saint of knights, the religious-military medieval order of the Templars resided near the Arena, so it is assumed that they also held their tournaments there.

In the early 17th century, the threat of the amphitheater’s destruction arose again: Venetian authorities feared that the structure could be transformed. Many archaeologists have been engaged in its exploration up until the present day.

During World War II, fortunately, the amphitheater was spared from destruction. In recent times, various restoration and conservation works have been conducted on it every year in order to renovate the interior and preserve the monument. Thanks to numerous concerts, performances, and other cultural events, it has once again come to life.