Art and Beauty

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Art represents an exciting world to contemplate, with a plethora of nuances, suggestive and simultaneously profound, yet due to its nature, this world is difficult to grasp from a rational and logical perspective. What to say to someone who excitedly observes the work of the sculptor Antonio Canova, elevated by the sound of a flute … Read more

Rodin – The Giant of Sculpture

Imagine shapes as if they were directed towards you; all life bursts from the center and expands from within to the surface. Auguste Rodin Auguste Rodin died on November 17, 1917. At that time, he was at the peak of fame, one of the beacons of modern sculpture and an endless source of inspiration for … Read more

Polyclitus’ Canon

In less than two centuries of the Golden Age or classical period of ancient Greece, many great achievements were made in various areas of human activity, especially in science, philosophy, and art. Sculpture was no exception, and the artistic works that were created during this short period continue to convey the idea known as the … Read more

The Turkish title “İvan Dunković” translates to “Ivan Dunkovic” in English.

to Mađarsku, gdje je izradio nekoliko značajnih skulptura za katedralu u Pečuhu. Među njima su bili kipovi sv. Petra i sv. Pavla, kao i ispovjedaonica koja se i danas može vidjeti u toj katedrali. Duknovićeva djela obilježena su iznimnom vještinom u oblikovanju i detaljima. Njegove skulpture karakteriziraju izražajni izrazi lica i pokreti tijela, koji su … Read more

Arch of Triumphs in the Roman Empire

Roman culture, the last great culture of the ancient world, was created on the Hellenistic heritage. However, Greek and Roman cultures were based on different value systems. Greek artists were deeply religious and their greatest architectural achievement was the temple. In their artistic expression, they sought the universal, the ideal form, and they sought harmony … Read more

Ajanta – Buddhist holy city

In ancient times, Buddhist monks, known as bhikshus, did not have a permanent residence. They lived under trees or in caves, or would construct viharas, simple shelters made of twigs and leaves, near populated areas. Gradually, it became customary to place these viharas next to each other, giving rise to monasteries, called sangharamas, which were … Read more

Similarity and Art

Vibration is motion trapped in form. Juan Llongueras In nature, there is a principle connected to the old axiom of hermetism: As above, so below. This is the principle of correspondence. The same laws that are expressed on a grand scale also appear on a small scale, transcending all levels of manifestation and allowing us, … Read more

Kairos – The God of the Happy Moment

One of the most beautiful examples of Greek art found in our area is undoubtedly the damaged relief of the Greek god Kairos from the 4th century BC. It is now preserved in the Monastery of St. Nicholas in Trogir as part of the “Kairos” art collection. It was found in the attic of a … Read more

Miyamoto Musashi

“When we think of fencing, we think of sword fighting techniques. This is quite natural, but incorrect, according to the words of the legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. And indeed, everyone who has heard of Musashi knows that he was much more than just a skilled swordsman. Judging by his calligraphy and ink drawings, he … Read more

Philosophy of Art in the Renaissance

Beauty of the world is the shine of God’s face. Art is the field where the cultural change of the Renaissance is most evident. We can observe a complete renewal of the main arts, which we still today refer to as the fine arts, including painting, sculpture, and architecture. If we stay in Italy, Leonardo … Read more