Cleaning the container

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A student came to the teacher and said: “O blessed one, you are pure and incarnated compassion. Help me to rid myself of worldly concerns and their goals and reasons – I am tired of it, and disappointed. I thirst for spiritual knowledge! I am eager to be free from all illusions and delusions that … Read more

Untouchable Beauty

Let’s try to unveil the beauty a little bit. Aesthetics, as the science of art and beauty, is a relatively new term that has been used since Kant and Hegel, although it’s actually older. It is a traditional philosophical discipline, a quest and dedication to studying art as a relationship with the divine, beauty, truth, … Read more

Emily Dickinson – On the Occasion of the 130th Anniversary of her Death

The most famous American poet, Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886), only published seven poems during her lifetime, and that was anonymously. She lived a secluded life, rarely leaving the confines of her family home in Amherst, Massachusetts. In isolation, she dedicated herself to reading and writing, while maintaining a vibrant correspondence throughout her life. This … Read more

Ivan Meštrović – Eternity in Stone

“One must be in love with eternity for the work to at least be a shadow of it. Immortality is imprisoned within us like in a dungeon; we must release it into the light – into harmony with what is immortal around us and above us. That is inspiration, muse, and revelation. Ivan Meštrović” “In … Read more


The scarab beetle is one of the most famous symbols of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians always sought inspiration in nature, which they considered their teacher, a great book of life. Everything in nature, from its smallest inhabitants to distant stars and galaxies, held deep truths within them, becoming keys to unraveling the infinite number of … Read more

Symbolism of Gold

Since the dawn of civilization, gold has held a special place in human culture and is one of the first metals that humans have worked with. The oldest evidence of its processing, found in Egypt, dates back to the fifth millennium BC. In the past, it was highly esteemed, more for its symbolic than its … Read more


Goddesses in various traditions associated with the idea of love and beauty: Venus (Roman goddess); Hathor (Egyptian goddess); Freya (Germanic goddess); Astarte (Phoenician-Syrian goddess); Mylitta (Assyrian goddess); Alilat (Arabian goddess); Anaitis (Armenian goddess); Argimpasa / Artimpasa (Scythian goddess); Inanna (Sumerian goddess); Ishtar (Babylonian goddess); Turan (Etruscan goddess); Ushas and Aurora (Indo-European goddesses). Is Greek mythology … Read more

Mahabharata – Part II

TIME CYCLES Describing the changes and decline of moral values, Mahabharata explains the succession of yugas, the great cycles of human existence. “Yuga, known as krta, is a period in which there is only one immutable faith. In this best of yugas, everyone is a flawless believer, and there is no need for actions to … Read more

Myth of Osiris

This is a universal myth that relates to the immortality of the soul and the existence of a cosmic destiny in which man should consciously and actively participate. The ancient Egyptian religion is one of the most comprehensive and best-known religions today, although this knowledge is superficial. However, since every historical moment has different symbolism … Read more

Mesopotamian Myths of the Flood

, koji je preživio veliki potop. Gilgameš putuje do morskog kraja kako bi pronašao Utnapishtima i saznao tajnu besmrtnosti. Nakon brojnih iskušenja i neuspjeha, Gilgameš se vraća u Uruk praznih ruku, ali bogovi mu otkrivaju da je pravi put do besmrtnosti u ostavljenoj mudrosti i ostavljenoj djeci. Gilgameš shvaća važnost ostavštine koju ostavljamo za buduće … Read more