Omar Khayyam

It contains an image related to the title of Omar Khayyam

Omar Khayyam (Abul-fath Omar ibn Ibrahim Khayyam) is a famous Persian scientist, philosopher, and poet. He was born in 1048 in the city of Nishapur, in the Persian province of Khorasan, one of the cultural centers of the East at that time, where he also died at the age of 83. The Islamic world was … Read more

Viktor Frankl – In Search of Meaning – Part 2

How to find the meaning of life? Everyone’s life is unique and unparalleled, each person has their own life trials and therefore the search for meaning cannot be reduced to a recipe that would apply to all people. Frankl compares this to the question of what is the best chess move in the world. There … Read more

Is there free will?

The question of free will is one of the oldest and most enduring questions faced by humanity. It was contemplated by the ancient Greeks in their tragedies, such as in King Oedipus, where it appears that the hero’s fate is predetermined, regardless of his efforts to prevent or change it. The Greeks, and their cultural … Read more

Are we human beings or human actions?

This question is very relevant in the time we live in. The rhythm of life, accelerated by the need for constant movement, hurry or achievement, emphasizes the importance we give to action. Just being, when it seems like the whole world is caught in the whirlwind of action, seems so passive! By working, we feel … Read more

Jacob Boehme

Jacob Boehme (1575 – 1624), a German mystic and philosopher, was born into a humble rural Lutheran family near the city of Görlitz, right on the border with Poland. Despite having no formal education, he gained the ability to see to the core of things with the eyes of his soul through a series of … Read more

The Importance of Culture

Hello and high-quality seeds are not enough to ensure their blooming. For that, the right environment is also necessary: good soil, sufficient moisture, and appropriate amounts of light and heat, according to the needs of the species to which it belongs. Using this image as an analogy, we could say that for a human being, … Read more

Three times a change

Many of us want to change the world, but how can we achieve that? First of all, it is obvious that we don’t just aim to change the world – the world is already changing, regardless of what we do. The ancient philosophers wisely claimed that the only constant in nature is change. In reality, … Read more


Freedom is one of those words that we commonly consider to be completely positive. Who wouldn’t want to be free? To be free from any form of external force or limitation, free to do whatever you want? But is the concept of freedom really that simple? What if we don’t use our freedom wisely? Imagine … Read more

Epictetus – Free Slave

Stoic philosopher Epictetus was born in Hierapolis in Asia Minor around 50 AD. He was a slave of Nero’s freedman Epaphroditus, who enabled him to attend lectures by the well-known Stoic Musonius Rufus, and later freed him. As a free man, he began teaching Stoic philosophy, first in Rome, and after the Roman emperor Domitian … Read more

Boethius – The Consolation of Philosophy

Part of a miniature depicting Boethius teaching. Medieval transcript of The Consolation of Philosophy. Boethius’ life Manlius Anicius Severinus Boethius, the last great philosopher of antiquity, born in 480 AD, will make it possible through his works for at least a part of ancient learning to be transmitted to the Middle Ages, which “officially” began … Read more