Homer’s Troy

It contains an image related to the title of Homer's Troy

Like the ruins of the city named Troy lay dormant under layers of earth, so did the epics Iliad and Odyssey, along with many other epics and songs, become forgotten with the decline of ancient culture, waiting for a rebirth. This rebirth happened during the Renaissance, when there was a renewed interest in all things … Read more

May Tree

The tradition of the May tree represents a fertility ritual associated with the return of leaves to the trees. During the month of May, a tree is ceremoniously planted or a pole representing it is erected. This custom has spread throughout Europe, and different names are associated with it: tree of joy or May tree, … Read more

Is there free will?

The question of free will is one of the oldest and most enduring questions faced by humanity. It was contemplated by the ancient Greeks in their tragedies, such as in King Oedipus, where it appears that the hero’s fate is predetermined, regardless of his efforts to prevent or change it. The Greeks, and their cultural … Read more

Character and Destiny

They challenge the fate of our collective development. Character is not acquired overnight; it is built through years of experience, practice, learning, and self-reflection. It is the internal foundation that determines our actions and reactions in everyday situations. Character is not just a matter of moral values but also of our mental and emotional makeup. … Read more