When anger grows

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A merchant owed money to a samurai. Since he had violated the agreed deadline for repaying the debt several times, the samurai drew his sword to kill him. The merchant, resigning himself to his fate, looked the samurai in the eyes, bowed, and calmly said, “You may freely kill me, but before you do, it … Read more

Aesop’s Fables: The Peasant and His Sons – The Old Man and Death

THE FARMER AND HIS SONS A farmer had quarrelsome sons. Although he had admonished them many times, he could not persuade them with words to change. He then came up with a plan: he ordered them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they did as they were told, he handed them all the … Read more

Jagoda Truhelka

popis literature koju je čitala, Truhelka je uspjela stvoriti autentičan glas u svom pisanju. Njeni likovi često su bili dječaci i djevojčice koji su se suočavali s izazovima odrastanja i tražili ljepotu u svijetu oko sebe. Ono što je posebno istaknuto u Truhelkinoj prozi je njen pristup prirodi. Ona je vjerovala u ljepotu prirode i … Read more

Pure Purity

Just as we can only give what we have, we can only express the characteristics of our true being that we nurture and shape. Accordingly, our consciousness is shaped by the contents that occupy us daily; what we read, perceive, think about, dream of, and aspire to strongly influence what we do and what we … Read more

“Moncize – about the kindness of human nature”

The Chinese philosopher Mengzi (Mencius, 372-288 BC) is a follower of Confucius’ teachings and a representative of the idealistic wing of Confucianism. He was born in the state of Zou (northwestern part of present-day Shandong province), which bordered the state of Lu, Confucius’ hometown. His mother played an important role in his life, raising him … Read more

Death of the Family, Freedom of the Individual?

Is it possible to have a society without community, without some kind of family? Will the traditional family disappear and be replaced by some other form of community? To find the answer, we first need to reexamine what family is and whether it has always meant what we understand by that term today. With the … Read more

Faced with disaster

As the end of the century approaches, catastrophism, it seems, is gaining more and more momentum; we are faced with genuine fatalism that drains energy and the possibility for events to unfold in an appropriate manner. It is not the first time in history that people feel helpless in resolving what troubles them, and although … Read more

Fulfilling Life

There are those who withdraw into solitude and seek meaning in learning; however, knowledge is just another form of self-expression… On the other hand, there are those who don’t find enough ways to fill the long hours of boredom and seek escape in esntertainment; yet, all of that is insufficient to avoid the emptiness of … Read more