
It contains an image related to the title of Museum

Since ancient times, through centuries and centuries, the original meaning of the Greek muses, nine goddesses of harmony and protectors of many divine and human creative arts, has been forgotten. During the Middle Ages, artists and philosophers almost stopped seeking their protection and inspiration, but their name remained ingrained in the words music and museum. … Read more


Kindness is perhaps one of the ethical values ​​that we most appreciate in others and that we would most like to be surrounded by. Who wouldn’t love to be surrounded by people who are kind, friendly, caring, happy, considerate, respectful, and generous? Like all human virtues, kindness is expressed through actions. We can all recognize … Read more

Inner mirror

Today, when the myth of equality is shaken, it is easier to appreciate the wisdom of the ancients who claimed that all things and beings live different lives. Moreover, even in the same person, it is difficult to find two identical states of mind during one day, month, or year. Unfortunately, except for exceptions that … Read more

Philosophy of the Upanishads

According to Indian tradition, their authors were ancient sages, known as rishis, whose wisdom was transmitted orally from teacher to student. This is indicated by the very word upa-ni-sad, upa (beside), ni (down), sad (to sit), which signifies a student sitting at the feet of a teacher and receiving his teachings. Another interpretation takes the … Read more