Art and Beauty

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Art represents an exciting world to contemplate, with a plethora of nuances, suggestive and simultaneously profound, yet due to its nature, this world is difficult to grasp from a rational and logical perspective. What to say to someone who excitedly observes the work of the sculptor Antonio Canova, elevated by the sound of a flute … Read more

Every person is an artist

And you’re an artist too! Yesterday, I brought out my rosewood block flute again. Of course, I don’t play perfectly, my fingers are slow, and my tongue is heavy. I flip through the notes, play one piece and then another, and then I remember the pieces I used to know by heart… I let the … Read more

The Magic of Ancient Art

e. Za neke, umjetnost može biti samo apstrakcija ili gomila linija i boja, dok za druge može biti dubok doživljaj emocija i misli. Bez obzira na naše individualne interpretacije, umjetnost nam omogućava da se povežemo s drugim ljudima i s ljudskim iskustvom na općenitiji način. Ona nas pokreće, potiče na razmišljanje, i nadilazi granice jezika … Read more

Conversation with Geshe Lhakdor, the curator of the Dalai Lama Library

During the arduous escape to India across the Himalayas, Tibetan refugees carried hundreds of manuscripts, often sacrificing their own lives to preserve them. Many of these precious texts were handed over to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who established the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala, India, with the aim of preserving and … Read more

Letters through civilizations

Although the history of humanity and the evolution of nature are shrouded in mystery and to some extent incomprehensible, we are connected to them and continue them through many links. There are countless traces left by the past of humanity, which stand before us today and speak to us about their lives, experiences, dreams, and … Read more

Nubian Pyramids

In the early 19th century, there was excited discussion in cultural circles of the Western world about the discovery of a monument of incredible beauty south of Egypt, in Sudan. Numerous European and American explorers wrote about the existence of magnificent temples and numerous pyramids south of Aswan, between the First and Sixth cataracts of … Read more

How did Zen arrive in Japan?

Japanu je mjesto gdje se prakticira zen budizam. U Japanu ima trinaest različitih budističkih škola, svaka sa svojim hramovima, svećenicima i brojnim sljedbenicima. Te škole uključuju tendai, shingon, rinzai, jodo, nichiren, soto, obaku, ritsu, juzu-nenbucu, hosso, kegon i ji-shu. Od tih trinaest škola, tri su povezane sa zen budizmom: rinzai, soto i obaku. Riječ “zen” … Read more

World of the Aborigines

The heritage and culture of the Aboriginal people are among the oldest in the world. Rock drawings and engravings near Olary in South Australia are 34,000 years old. Aboriginal people believe they have been living on the continent since the beginning of time. After Europeans discovered Australia, the number of Aboriginal people has been steadily … Read more

Ganga – The Holy River

The Ganges is a special Indian river loved by its people, around which the most diverse memories of India have intertwined: its hopes and fears, triumphant songs, victories and defeats. The Ganges is a symbol of India’s long-standing culture and civilization, constantly changing and flowing, yet always remaining the same Ganges. Jawaharlal Nehru, The Discovery … Read more

Ličko kolo – dance without music

In our region, influences of different cultures, visible through numerous customs, have been changing, but are relentlessly suppressed by modern civilization. Part of these customs, which contain something special in themselves, are also folk dances that are cherished and passed down. Kolo is one of the basic forms of Croatian traditional dance culture. Because of … Read more