
It contains an image related to the title of Birdsong

Once, Bonco asked Fuketsuu, “Something confuses me that I once heard you say. That is, the truth can be expressed without speaking and without silence. Can you explain that to me?” Fuketsu replied, “When I was a child in southern China, oh! How the birds sang amidst the blossoms in spring.” A Tale from China

The Phoenix and the Catatumbo Lightning

Once upon a time, a female chachatatutua, the smallest and ugliest of all birds, laid three eggs in her nest in the grass. However, every day, while she was away, a magpie would come out of a nearby hole and eat one egg. Two were already gone. Disturbed, Chachatatutu flew to the phoenix to complain … Read more

Emile Galle – Poet on Glass

French artist Emile Galle is one of the most prominent glass painters of his time. He is considered one of the pioneers of a new style in art, known as Art Nouveau in France. He was born in 1846 in Nancy, a city famous for its ceramics and furniture production. His father was also a … Read more

In the Embrace of Spring

Peek out, little flower, from the bark, And a blue forest emerges With saffron head Like eyes, like sky, like sea. My solitude, Lift your head up high! You have the ability to listen To the music of birds, To the notes of spring strings, And hands to embrace the forest… And you are not … Read more

Megaliths – Part II

The Phenomenon of the Stone Age – The Most Famous World Megaliths Avebury, Great Britain Decorations In addition to stylized human figures, a variety of signs and symbols have been found on megaliths, including pictograms in the form of snakes, birds, spirals, crescents or horns, and human footprints. It is believed that snakes symbolically represent … Read more

Symbolism of Animals in Alchemical Tradition

In a traditional sense, alchemy is a spiritual discipline. With its particular, mostly confusing procedures, it tries and succeeds in exploring the inner laws of human nature. Understanding man as a complex being of nature composed of multiple aspects (material and more subtle ones), alchemy seeks to connect and harmonize them. Although the alchemist deals … Read more