The philosophical movement of Stoicism is divided into early, middle, and late Stoicism. Late Stoicism is the final light of ancient philosophy, eclectic and vibrant. Seneca (4th century BC – 65 AD) beautifully said: I will always mention Epicurus to you, so that all those who invoke the words spoken by others know that what is best is common to all. And he also mentioned others, Socrates… and later others mentioned him.
Seneca reflects and advises on how to achieve and maintain a cheerful spirit.
… I will write something to you that can benefit both you and me. And what will that be, except to encourage you to be of good cheer? … Above all, my Lucilius, do this: learn to rejoice… I never want you to lack joy. I want it to be born in your home: and it is born only if it is found within oneself.
Why can true joy not be achieved externally, but only within ourselves? Only when a person frees themselves from desires and hopes can the soul, freed from shackles, truly rejoice:
… Other joys … the pleasures are fleeting – unless you believe that those who laugh are joyful: the soul must be serene, full of trust and elevated above all else. Trust me, true joy is a serious matter. Or do you think that someone with a cheerful face and, as the lecherous say, happy eyes, would scorn death, open the door to poverty, restrain indulgence, and contemplate enduring pain? The one who contemplates this enjoys great, albeit not very flattering, joy.
Once unconditional, true happiness is found, it will never be lacking for man, for now he knows where to seek it.
… Worthless metals are obtained at the surface: the best are those whose veins lie deep within the earth, and they will bring greater profit to those who constantly dig them up. What brings joy to the common people brings insignificant and superficial joy, and joy that is of a foreign nature has no foundation. What I am talking about and what I am trying to bring you to is grounded and penetrates your soul even more.
Seneca further speaks about how a person can master themselves; do not allow… To learn to navigate life, not succumbing to fleeting pleasures but rather swimming fiercely against the current, paving the way towards the true good that the soul yearns for.
…Do only what can make you happy, dear Lucilius: scatter and trample upon what shines on the surface, what promises this or that, seek true good and rejoice in it. And what is this “your own”? Yourself and your best part. …This wretched body… brings empty and short-lived pleasures for which one must repent, and if not restrained by great moderation, they turn into their opposite.
Seneca believed that few people know where they are going …the rest, like those swimming in a river current, are not going on their own, but are carried by it. Some are held by a gentle wave and carried more calmly, others are caught by a stronger wave, and the closest ones are left behind as the current weakens, while others are thrown into the sea by a mighty flood. Therefore, one must decide what they want and persevere in it.
And finally, one must always be wary of new desires, new aspirations. They live a bad life, basing their actions on temporary satisfactions that only bring momentary pleasure and distance them from true life, which also entails being ready for death.
…Those who keep starting life over again live poorly. Why?… Because life is always imperfect for them….Those who have just begun life cannot be prepared for death in any way. If you think that’s strange, I will give you another reason to be astonished: some have stopped living before they even started. BE WELL!