< p > Although several centuries separate us from the intellectual revolution started by Giordano Bruno, we still gladly join it. It begins with increasing the capacity of our memory, in other words, it relates to knowledge about how to live. Instead of passing through life like a leaf in the wind, we can gather experiences without being afraid to nurture and adopt them. From experience, we can extract what is important to us.
Knowing how to live means using the power of memory, instead of always repeating the same mistakes. By doing so, we will eradicate the proverb from our dictionary that man is the only animal that stumbles over the same stone twice, if not a thousand times. We should stumble once and if there is memory – not repeat the same mistake. We need to increase the ability to remember, here and now.
We should also increase the ability of imagination, because it is the weapon through which we create. Earlier we said: “Knowing how to live”, and now we will say: “Knowing how to build”. Imagination The above text refers to the abundance of fantastic images that overwhelm us and in which we get lost, seeking refuge from life instead of facing it. Imagination represents a mirror, the ability to capture images from a higher plane and the power to bring those images to life in reality. We employ imagination to become artists, to shape ourselves. Through imagination, we can grasp ideas from a higher plane; it enables us to work with pure and noble elements, thus building noble human beings. Once we have an idea, an image, an archetype, we can reproduce them with the authenticity of the artist we have awakened within ourselves.
And it’s not just about increasing the power of memory and imagination, we also need to examine the memories of our soul, accepting them as a silent hint of the world that exists today, that will continue to exist, and of which we are a part. In those memories lies the deep part of us that does not accept death. Looking in this way, what we usually considered uninteresting. m, absurd or meaningless, suddenly comes to life, color and meaning; then we know why we do something.
To conclude, our revolution consists in knowing how to live through memory and how to build through imagination – so that we can Be.
Also, we should remember the old teaching from the East that explains what memory is. It states that memory is inherent in loyalty to oneself. We can say that one has memory if they are faithful to themselves, if they remember and recognize themselves, and if they build themselves.
Excerpt from the book Memories and Reminiscence