Gods of Happiness

Happiness is one of those universal, familiar concepts that is difficult to explain due to its rich meanings. Good outcome, wealth, well-being, prosperity, joy, blessing, virtue, bliss, all of these are synonyms for happiness, so it is not surprising that happiness has been protected by numerous and seemingly different deities in traditions. However, just as white light consists of different colors, the same essence connects different gods of happiness. Let us try, in the pursuit of happiness, to penetrate the world of its merciful guardians, gods of happiness…

Although there are many gods of happiness, there are few mythological stories in which they are protagonists. This may mean that the same gods were taken from older mythological systems, as happened, for example, with the Roman goddess Fortuna who, thanks to Boethius’ work Consolation of Philosophy, written in the 6th century, remained respected throughout the Middle Ages. It is interesting that the Romans adopted the same goddess from the Etruscan tradition and that her name comes and from Vortumnus – She who turns in the year.

The calligraphic symbol fú (happiness) is the most widespread Chinese amulet. On a red background and upside down, it can be seen almost everywhere, especially before Chinese New Year. It symbolizes the god of happiness, Fua. However, the Chinese consider this symbol particularly auspicious because it carries multiple meanings. If the fú symbol is upside down, it resembles the Tao symbol.

Fortuna – the Roman goddess of fortunate outcomes. As the firstborn daughter of the god Jupiter, she was highly respected in the Roman Empire. Her main attribute is the horn of plenty. She was considered a protector of children and pregnant women and was sometimes depicted with a child in her lap. Another important attribute is a staff, which symbolizes Fortuna Virilis, the protector of virtues. It was believed that virtue was a necessary prerequisite for happiness and success. Fortuna controls the wheel of fortune, a circle that represents the four stages of human life: on the left side regnabo (I will reign), on the top regno (I reign) with a crown, on the right regnavi (I have reigned), and a humble figure at the bottom with the With the mark, I am without a kingdom. Fortune was considered the protector of Rome and had numerous temples, but the most famous one was in Praeneste. Anyone could ask the goddess a question, and the answer, written on oak tablets, was drawn by a little boy from the pile. The story goes that in 270 BC, statesmen asked what the year would be like, and the message drawn from the bundle was: Mars brandishing a spear (Mavors telum concuit). It was the year when Hannibal attacked Rome.

One of the stories was recorded by Aesop. According to this story, the god Zeus asked Tyche, the Greek goddess of luck, to show people two paths: the path of freedom and the path of slavery. Tyche made the beginning of the path of freedom narrow, impassable, steep, harsh, waterless, and full of dangers. However, the path later becomes flat, lined with beautiful meadows, groves, fruits, and sources of drinking water. Thus, the initial suffering, for those who breathe the air of freedom, turns into inner peace. On the other hand, the path of slavery begins as beautiful and wide, full of fragrant flowers. There are many beautiful views, but in the end it becomes steep, impassable, and hopeless.

Tyche (Tykhe, fortune) – the Greek goddess of luck, the counterpart of the Roman Fortuna. As her name suggests, she is the goddess of luck, wealth, opportunity, prosperity, and fate. When someone succeeded effortlessly in everything they tried, it was said that Tyche smiled upon their birth. She formed a triad with Nemesis (inevitable fate) and Agathos Daimon (good spirit). The Greeks and Romans believed that a person’s entire destiny was determined at birth, but Tyche’s intervention in the form of an unexpected or accidental event could change that fate. She was depicted with a rudder or a horn of plenty.

Tyche was often named the protector of cities’ wealth and well-being. As such, she was depicted wearing a crown in the shape of city walls. One of the most famous depictions is the statue of the protector of the city of Antioch. Resting her foot on a swimmer representing the river Orontes, the goddess sits on Mount Sipylus, with ears of wheat. The sculpture of a man holding grains (a symbol of fertility). The original statue was made of high-quality bronze.

Fu – the Chinese god of luck is one of the Chinese star gods Sanxing (Three Stars), along with the god of prosperity Lu and the god of longevity Shou. Statues of these three gods can be found on the facades of temples, as well as in almost every Chinese home and many Chinese shops, especially during Chinese New Year.

The Fu star refers to the planet Jupiter. God Fu wears a scholar’s gown and holds a scroll on which the caligraphic character fu (luck) is sometimes written. He is sometimes depicted holding a child or surrounded by children.

Another story tells of the Japanese goddess of dawn, happiness, and joy, Ame-no-Uzume, who played an important role in a mythical event when the goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu Omikami, offended by the behavior of her brother, shut herself in a cave and darkness covered the world. None of the gods were able to persuade her to come out of the cave. In that moment, wise Uzume managed to cause the gods to burst into laughter with her cheerful dance, which broke the gloom. Amaterasu’s curiosity led her to emerge from the cave, and the light returned to the Earth.

Takarabune, the treasure ship, is a mythical boat that sails through the sky, carrying the seven Japanese gods of luck: Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Hotei, Jurojin, and Fukurokuju. During the first three days of the new year, they share happiness with people. They carry a treasure chest, an invisibility hat, brocade, an endless bag, the secret keys to divine storerooms, scrolls of wisdom and life, a magical hammer, a lucky raincoat, a cloak made of fairy feathers, and a bag of good fortune. The image of the ship is an important part of the traditional Japanese New Year celebrations. On the night before the New Year, children, and even adults, place a picture of the treasure ship under their pillows. If they dream of a beautiful dream that night, it is considered a favorable sign for the coming year.

The third story is about the ancient Aryan goddess Shri, from whose name our word for happiness is derived. According to legend, Shri appeared during the creation of the universe, floating on the primordial waters. She shone with immeasurable energy and enchanted other gods who became jealous and desired to take away her powers and talents. However, Prajapati, the father of the gods and all creation, advised them not to attack her, but to politely ask her to grant them what they desire. The gods approached her one by one and received from her the qualities for which they became famous: Varuna received moral laws, Mitra received martial arts skills, Indra received strength, Agni received sacred fire, etc.

Most gods are somehow associated with beginnings, dawn, light, and sun rays. Besides Uzume, the goddess Sri is also associated with dawn. Her name comes from the root verb “sri,” which means to shine, scatter light, and in a general sense, it represents grace, radiance, beauty, wealth, prosperity. According to Cicero, in ancient Rome, the goddess of luck Fausta Felicitas (Good Luck) was always invoked at the beginning of important undertakings or events with the ritual phrase: “Quod bonum, faustum, felix, fortunatumque sit” (May it be good, fortunate, happy, and prosperous). May it be good, blessed, happy and honorable!

Lakshmi – the Hindu goddess of wealth, happiness, and prosperity, the wife of Vishnu, one of the main deities in Hinduism. Her name derives from the Sanskrit word “lakṣ”, which means to perceive, observe, know, understand the goal, indicating the fundamental symbolism: she who knows and understands the goal. Over time, Lakshmi has taken on the role of the older Aryan goddess of fortune, Sri. She is usually depicted in a red dress embroidered with golden threads, symbols of wealth and abundance. Her four hands symbolize the four goals of humanity: dharma (the pursuit of ethical values, moral living), artha (the pursuit of righteous living), kama (the pursuit of emotional fulfillment), and moksha (the pursuit of self-realization, liberation). Lakshmi symbolizes good luck, a favorable sign, happiness, prosperity, and success, and in a spiritual sense, she is a symbol of knowledge and self-fulfillment.

One of the most important attributes of the gods of luck is the horn of plenty, which… [continuation missing] In some cases, the cornucopia or a bag of gifts replaces it. It is, of course, a magical object that never empties no matter how many gifts are distributed from it. In the modern version, Santa Claus is the god of luck who carries gifts for good children in his magical bag on Christmas night.

The gifts that the gods of luck distribute can be physical, but as humans have psychological, mental, and spiritual needs alongside physical needs, the gifts can also be certain qualities such as virtues, directions, or choices of destiny. The cornucopia also changes in relation to this, such as in Arthurian myth where it becomes the Holy Grail, and it can also become a rudder that steers one’s destiny.

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Symbolic objects and amulets are associated with the gods of luck, bringing luck to those who wear them. In Europe, one of the most famous symbols of luck is the four-leaf clover. An old Irish poem describes why: One leaf is for fame, one for wealth, one for true love, and one for good health. In addition to the clover, other symbols of luck are also considered lucky. the horseshoe, ladybug, frog, rabbit’s foot, etc. In Asia, one of the biggest symbols of luck is the white elephant, associated with Ganesha, the Hindu god of wisdom. In other traditions, sacred symbols are also believed to bring luck. The Ankh brings long life, the scarab brings renewal, the cross brings renewal and resurrection, the key brings the secret of life, etc.

Even today, at the beginning of every important activity, such as a journey, a new project, a competition, an adventure, a marriage, but also a new year, birth, and birthday, we utter that magical word: Good luck!
Gods as protectors help, or rather have the power to grant blessings or divine grace. The Indo-European concept of baga (lord, protector, distributor of luck), from which our word god comes from, was originally used as an epithet for mortals and immortals who are capable of bestowing grace and blessings. The name of the ancient Persian city of Baghdad means “gifted by god” (god-given). In India, anyone who possesses the qualities of Bhage, the Brahmin god of luck, is called bhagavan (merciful). Similar meanings are also contained in the names for other gods. Snakes in other cultures are referred to as the Japanese kami, Indo-European deva (dius), and Egyptian neter, which implies that, in a broader sense, happiness gods are all beings capable of bestowing blessings and grace.