It is often said that the end justifies the means when emphasizing the importance of the final result regardless of how it is achieved, as if the nature of our actions is completely irrelevant compared to the ultimate outcome. Sometimes it is used to justify unethical acts in an effort to achieve a righteous goal or noble ideal.
In practical terms, it can be said that the lesser evil is acceptable in order to prevent a greater evil or achieve some good. But what started with good intentions can easily turn into an unwanted reality: if we plant the seed of one tree, another tree will not grow from it, no matter how much we desire it.
This may not seem accurate to those driven by selfish goals, who only consider materialistic results and are tied to the most superficial aspects of life. However, for those who sincerely strive for Justice, Benefit, and Goodness for others, this should be important. Can the end truly justify the means? Can anything good come from bad actions? Can the flag of a righteous goal be upheld through unethical means? Will I ever engage in unethical behavior?
Ethical behavior does not imply that one must be naive, impractical, or expect perfect behavior that can only exist in an ideal world but not in the real world. On the contrary, a true idealist has a genuine need to bring their dream to life. Without that, without a genuine intention to turn it into reality, their dream is nothing more than a mere wish, pure fantasy. Perhaps it is exactly this need to “live the dream” that can reveal the wrong choice and justification of means in the name of a noble goal. This way of acting is exactly what will “kill the dream”. No, the goal never justifies the means, but rather illuminates the means with its own light. Acting in the light of higher purposes in life means acting nobly; actions are inseparable from what is sought to be achieved through them. It is miraculous because it connects the present and the future, with one illuminating the other. We cannot simply view the future as the collective result of many moments in time; it is the outcome of the path we choose. I can go at any time. Not separating from the future means that what we want to see in our future illuminates our present and requires us to live the future that lies beyond the horizon right now; we must imagine and pursue what is true and noble as the only sustainable path, regardless of how much effort it may require from us.
Not separating from the future also requires that we do not detach ourselves from the past because we project what we have learned from the past into the future, our best experiences help shape our dreams and imagination. When the past is not separated from the present, we can reevaluate past events and discover a new perspective on our life journey.
Living and acting in the light of our noble life goals means remembering who we truly are, resisting the deceptive voices that constantly try to convince us that we are something else. Let’s never allow the shadows of our imperfections to define us. Instead, let’s live in the light of what lies in our future, in the deepest chambers of our hearts. Let’s look at the stars high above us. They might also be present in our past and future; let’s imagine them as enormous hearts shining from within, just like our hearts could one day shine. We haven’t reached that yet, but even today we can act and live as noble creators of our own bright future.