The Paths of Transformation of the Cave.

It contains an image related to the title of The Paths of Transformation of the Cave.

Apuleius’ work The Golden Ass, a literary autobiography dating back eighteen hundred years, reflects the wisdom gained from accumulated experience regarding the virtues and vices of human nature. This sole surviving novel from the Greco-Roman world continues to captivate attention with its “golden” content, which cleverly and wittily compares and analyzes the relationship between man … Read more


Thermal processes occurring deep inside the Earth manifest on the surface through volcanoes. Volcanoes, due to their terrifying destructive power, have found their place in the myths of many ancient peoples, so the very name “volcano” is associated with the name of the Roman god of fire. Volcanic eruptions bring valuable minerals to the surface, … Read more

Symbolism of Animals in Alchemical Tradition

In a traditional sense, alchemy is a spiritual discipline. With its particular, mostly confusing procedures, it tries and succeeds in exploring the inner laws of human nature. Understanding man as a complex being of nature composed of multiple aspects (material and more subtle ones), alchemy seeks to connect and harmonize them. Although the alchemist deals … Read more

Tibetan Bardo Worlds

What do the living need to learn? The content of the text, connected at first glance primarily to the concept of physical death and reincarnation, presents the so-called bardo teachings that speak of bardo states or bardo realms. The Tibetan term bar-do literally means “between two” and signifies a transitional, transient, or uncertain state through … Read more

Ceremonies of Fire

The carnival

Calendar customs and festivities originated in ancient times. They have been passed down to this day as elements of religion, but their meaning and content have remained the same. Customs of all ancient cultures and civilizations reflected the connection between humans and the cosmos, the process of world creation, and the embodiment of the divine … Read more

Pure Purity

Just as we can only give what we have, we can only express the characteristics of our true being that we nurture and shape. Accordingly, our consciousness is shaped by the contents that occupy us daily; what we read, perceive, think about, dream of, and aspire to strongly influence what we do and what we … Read more


All of us love cleanliness, a clean space in which we find ourselves or a city in which we live. We love to be clean, fresh, and surrounded by everything that is pure. We know that cleanliness needs to be maintained regularly because everything in this material world constantly gets dirty – as soon as … Read more