In the Shackles of Habits

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There is no person who hasn’t acquired some habits throughout life. Each of us has them, the desirable ones and the undesirable ones, some that we are aware of and some that we may never become conscious of. And precisely because they are so present, we accept them as inevitability and, if they don’t bother … Read more

What is imagination?

f the most powerful tools we possess as human beings. It is not just a means of escaping reality or indulging in whimsical thoughts; it has the potential to elevate our consciousness beyond the limitations of the material world and connect us with the spiritual dimensions. In our modern Western society, imagination is often seen … Read more

Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching: The Book of Path and Virtue

Even the largest tree starts from a small seed. Even the tallest tower starts from a pile of earth. Even the longest journey starts with the first step. However, in the middle of the first millennium BCE, China was hit by political and social unrest. Traditional values gradually lost their original meaning and no longer … Read more