Ivo Andrić – Bridges

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And what am I? Just a small flame rushing towards a big fire. Signs by the road Ivo Andrić had, as he himself said, only one true, fundamental aspiration: to capture as much life breath around him and give it a shape on paper that could be called artistic to some extent. He dedicated his … Read more

Memoirs of Hadrian

javljen 1951. godine. Ovaj roman je iznimno vrijedan i originalan doprinos svjetskoj književnosti. Hadrijanove memoare su vrlo dojmljivo napisano djelo koje nas uvodi u svijet Rimskog Carstva i portretira život cara Hadrijana. Kroz memoare, Yourcenar nam daje dubok uvid u Hadrijanovu unutarnju borbu, njegove misli i osjećaje. Roman nam otkriva složene aspekte njegove ličnosti i … Read more

Tolkien’s Song of the Ainur

“Inspired by old legends of northern Europe, Celtic mythology, ancient Nordic sagas, stories of Viking voyages, as well as ancient languages, writing, and symbols of the northern peoples, J.R.R. Tolkien began outlining a great prose epic in his youth, which would much later be named The Silmarillion. He worked on refining the initial versions of … Read more

Movement and Machines

Motion is one of the great laws of Nature. However, due to the duality that arises between pairs of opposites, inertia is also one of the laws. Materialism, which has gained significance in recent centuries, has subtly introduced inertia into our way of life, using various excuses to justify it. Human beings, so rich in … Read more

Sándor Márai – Book of Wounds

Sándor Márai (originally Sándor Károly Henrik Grosschmied de Mára) was born on April 11, 1900 in the city of Kassa, now known as Košice in Slovakia. He studied in Leipzig and as a young man, he traveled and visited the major European cities. He belonged to the Central European cultural circle. The characters in his … Read more