Ballet – aesthetics in motion

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trajanje karijere je istovremeno bio i trajanje baletne trupe uz koju ste radili. Kako biste opisali svoje iskustvo kao solistica i kako se to razlikuje od rada s trupom? Kao solistica, imala sam privilegiju izvoditi glavne uloge i biti u centru pažnje na sceni. To je bilo izuzetno zahtjevno i intenzivno iskustvo, ali istovremeno i … Read more

Vladimir Devidé

Ethics in Journalism

Interview with Anant Goenka, Executive Director of the Indian Express Group What is the main ethical obligation of the press? Is it not to seek the truth, real facts, and present them as objectively as possible? However, facts alone are not the whole truth. Taking into account the facts, it is necessary to understand the … Read more

Philosophy, Man and Nature

Interview with Delija Steinberg Guzmán, President of the International New Acropolis What is the connection between philosophy and Nature? If we understand philosophy in the widest possible sense as the love for wisdom, we must include all the laws of Nature in this wisdom. We cannot ignore these laws; what we need to do is … Read more