Arch of Triumphs in the Roman Empire

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Roman culture, the last great culture of the ancient world, was created on the Hellenistic heritage. However, Greek and Roman cultures were based on different value systems. Greek artists were deeply religious and their greatest architectural achievement was the temple. In their artistic expression, they sought the universal, the ideal form, and they sought harmony … Read more


The Renaissance is not an isolated occurrence in the general history of the world. From ancient China to the civilizations of South and Central America, we encounter instances of the revival of extinct cultural values. These periods of rebirth indicate to us the periodicity of significant historical events and the fact that everything created is … Read more

Francis Bacon – On Enlightenment

Francis Bacon – On Revenge Revenge is a kind of wild justice, and the more human nature strives for it, the more the law needs to eradicate it. Because as far as the first injustice committed is concerned, it only offends the law; but revenge on that injustice renders the law obsolete. Indeed, the one … Read more

Selection from the interview with Ivan Supek

Selection from an interview with Ivan Supek Ivan Supek (April 8, 1915 – March 3, 2007) is remembered by many as a distinguished physicist, the father of modern Croatian science, and the founder of the Ruđer Bošković Institute. Many remember him for his commitment to peace. Some will remember him for his political activism (never … Read more