How did Zen arrive in Japan?

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Japanu je mjesto gdje se prakticira zen budizam. U Japanu ima trinaest različitih budističkih škola, svaka sa svojim hramovima, svećenicima i brojnim sljedbenicima. Te škole uključuju tendai, shingon, rinzai, jodo, nichiren, soto, obaku, ritsu, juzu-nenbucu, hosso, kegon i ji-shu. Od tih trinaest škola, tri su povezane sa zen budizmom: rinzai, soto i obaku. Riječ “zen” … Read more

The Power of Compassion

The story of two forms – one with a single head and two hands, and one with a single head and a thousand hands. In an infinite number of forms, whenever love and compassion appear in a person’s consciousness and actions, it is a sign of their presence. But mercy is not just a blind … Read more

The Sutra of the Extensive Play

“Of all the spiritual teachers of India, Buddha has left the deepest trace. Although Hinduism suppressed Buddhism in India, Buddha’s teachings spread strongly throughout Asia. After his death, numerous schools and canons emerged, all of which, despite their differences, agreed on one thing: Buddha is a great teacher who showed the path to final liberation … Read more