Are internal and external peace possible?

Are internal and external peace possible?

At the very beginning, it would be good to know what peace is. Some think that peace is the absence of movement. But imagine a person in the midst of a disaster trapped in the rubble – for them, being still certainly does not represent peace. Sometimes peace is considered to be the ability to act. Perhaps, but that cannot be fully equated with peace. Peace is something much deeper, it is an internal state. Therefore, in order to talk about peace in the world, we must first talk about peace within the individual.

Living in a highly connected media world can create internal anxiety in us, which is also reflected as external anxiety. This is what the ancient Greeks in tragic theater called hybris – something that deviated from the universal path, from the path of universal harmony, a mistake that gave birth to a long chain of mistakes.

Life, with its different circumstances, specializes in the work and actions of each individual, and we forget about that child created from hope that resides within our core, which, as Jesus said, would bring us true peace. Jesus Christ, we should enable entry into the heavenly kingdom. It is like a small golden child from ancient Dionysian mysteries, a child compared to a magical dolphin that can dive into the water and leap out again. It is that immortal child that transcends time, that appears and disappears during countless incarnations, but is always present, because its essence is eternity, duration, imperishability. In that philosophical spirit, we will try to establish whether inner and outer peace are possible.

What are we?

We are a mystery. We are what is behind things, a kind of observer that transcends every form of manifestation. How then can we attain inner peace? Let me repeat, when we talk about peace, we are not talking about stillness. A monk on a mountain who sits peacefully in some secluded place, perhaps repeating some formula, in my opinion, does not necessarily achieve peace, except in exceptional cases. We must not confuse peace with stillness. The aforementioned monk may sit calmly, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he is at peace. His heart is calm. Peace is something more than stillness or movement because stillness and movement are relative states that do not have inherent value.

The world often reflects distorted ideas through its mirrors and places us on the axis of relativity. It is very difficult to give things their true value. Every thing can be big or small – depending on what we compare it to.

In order to achieve true inner peace, we cannot seek it in stillness or movement, but in the right measure based on true, universal harmony. In this harmony, a person is not experienced as separate from everything, as an enemy of other people and nature, but as a friend to everything. And a friend is not someone who shares a table with us, but someone who is close to us. As the ancient Romans said, he is the one who is in harmony (concordia) with us, heart to heart.

Similarly, it should be known that in order to attain inner peace, we must first harmonize ourselves from within. There already exists a certain natural and born harmony, but we destroy and pollute it with our way of life. If we want to achieve peace, we need to seek this inner harmony, and it’s quite easy to do so.

Therefore, peace is an inner state of harmony, alignment with oneself and with its components. Ancient esoteric philosophers taught that humans are not just a shell of meat with a personal soul that flies above the body. Humans are much more complex. Each part that makes up our being tries to maintain a certain separateness. Emotions go their way, reason goes its own way, and often we have thoughts that are not creative, so they turn into circulating mental forms, similar to a mythical snake biting its own tail. These thoughts go through a whole process and then repeat it over and over again, and instead of leading to conclusions, they continue to circulate. This also partially hinders and destroys our inner peace.

It takes enough moral courage to find our “ray of light” and follow it, even if others think it’s cliché and laughable. No, even contrary to the opinions of others. We must follow what we consider right, regardless of what others say. But we must not understand this in an egotistical or arrogant sense, but as a way to preserve the bastion of individuality, the bastion of inner freedom without which we will never find peace.

Amado Nervo, in one of his poems, says: “Life, I owe you nothing; life, we are reconciled.” It may seem cliché, but it is a completely valid and natural feeling. Only those who have dared to stay alone on a rocky shore, walk through the forest, be alone with themselves, know this interaction with Nature, with the Sun, with the stars, and know how valuable it is to love and be loved.

However, it is more important to love than to be loved. It is better to be a source that gives rather than a well that receives. The best thing is to offer, to give, to know how to love, without any prior calculation of what that love could bring us. Then something will awaken within us and we will understand everything that surrounds us. We will understand the bird, the mountain, the wind, and our brothers and sisters; we will understand the true meaning of love. We will discover the history of different periods through which humanity has passed; we will understand in a peaceful way all the wisdom of the world, which is the fruit of God. The fruit of God is also the harmony in which all things are connected. Because it is precisely the connection between the Sun and plants, the Sun and animals, animals and us, stars and humans that gives inner peace, because of the realization that all of this is the work of the divine mind, that everything is designed so that everyone’s personal suffering is always bearable.

We often wonder what will happen when we die, because we will all die. The inner voice answers us: what happened when we were born? Did we not come into the world in a natural way, were there not people who wanted us for ourselves and did not care if it would be beneficial to them? Those were our parents. Will we not have parents on the other side of the door of death? Only maybe they won’t be the same. Do guardian angels not exist, as many old traditions tell us?

Inner peace means being able to find oneself, to realize that in this great divine plan we were not all born with wisdom for the same thing and that everyone has their own path, their own destiny, their own food, their own wind, and their own way of existing and expressing themselves. I believe that God had all this in mind. Everything that happens to us, everything that will happen to us, is planned in some way because if he devised how the leaves of plants would turn, how tiny amoebas made up of only one cell would move, how is it possible that he would not think of us, who are much more complex and have a higher consciousness, and from a certain perspective, more important? Just as our parents expect us with hope, not knowing if we will be a boy or a girl, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, so our Heavenly Father must have a similar attitude of benevolence. Why shouldn’t we think that he loves us from the beginning of time, loves us today, and will love us forever, that we are all immersed in God’s thought, light, and love? With that, all our worries disappear, and then we look at life difficulties as tests, as stages that we must go through to We would purify ourselves…

The purest water is not stagnant, staying motionless in the middle of a swamp, but water that joyfully leaps over rocks. This water has been purified through thousands and thousands of hits against various stones, it sang with its pain, and wove white foam of hope and a colorful arc of the rainbow with each hit. A person should be like water, flowing through life, leaping, singing, maintaining the cheerfulness and inner strength that drive them to flow, and having the simple wisdom of water that always knows where it’s going and where the sea is. Sometimes we don’t know where we’re going, but if we seek our internal compass, we will know exactly. Then, every pain, every hit, and every difficulty will be nothing more than a test for us.

All the elements of Nature teach us the same thing. If we had the wisdom of fire, we would be very great. Because, no matter how we turn the fire, it is always upright. If a person, despite the hits of life, remained upright, they would find peace in their heart. Because books and theories are not enough for this inner and individual peace. enges, it is necessary to observe Nature; observe water, fire, wind, and mountains. In order to understand the essence of human beings, it is not necessary to have great knowledge, it is necessary to delve deep and find the meaning of everything that surrounds us and everything that we carry within ourselves.

Is collective, great peace possible?

That is even harder. In order to reach great peace, all the people in the world would need to be at peace. If all the people in the world are not peaceful, or at least those in power, then the world will not be peaceful. Great praises to peace are not enough. It is necessary to unite again, but by this, I do not mean utopian societies, but the connection of people… Pedagogical work needs to precede political, collective, and societal work on a daily basis. We cannot dream of utopias, we cannot think that peace will prevail if we only talk about it.

Christ said: “Love one another.” And how many of them truly love each other? Buddha said that we must have understanding, that it is better to be a victim than a perpetrator. And how many understand that? If you truly believe in peace, then act accordingly. Two individuals, divine embodiments as we call them, have failed to change the world, so all that remains is to rely on what each of us can do and pass it on to others.

I believe that for external peace, collective peace, inner peace within ourselves is necessary. As long as there are selfish people devoted to material things, exploitation will exist in the world. As long as there are people who hate others simply because they have a different eye color or dislike them for some reason, racism will exist in the world. As long as there are people who, instead of responding with kind words and arguments or understanding the person in front of them, resort to violence, there will be violence in the world. These are all challenges we must face, and we should not think that we will solve everything with a decree for world peace…

It is necessary to create a new world, shape a different world. The creation of a different, new world begins with each of us. That is why I emphasize the individual, but not the egoist, not the individual who lives for themselves. not only for oneself, but for someone who can live harmoniously with others, who can reach out not only for the purpose of blessing, but in a brotherly manner, so that they not only share their blanket with others, but wholeheartedly give it up if needed. Perhaps it is necessary to reconsider the words: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Maybe we need to love our neighbors more than ourselves because there may be those who need more love than we do. Some of us are strong or young, or have social or financial power, but many do not. Some only have an outstretched hand, a begging hand. And such people we must love more than ourselves.

Hasn’t the time come for us to return to the fundamental core, the family, that basic station where parents love their child even before it is born? Can’t we greet our students with genuine love, no matter what they are like? Can’t we welcome our employees, our colleagues with love, with a smile? Perhaps that weapon is even more powerful than all the others…

A personal attitude is also necessary, human contact, a little love in our hands. We need to treat people and nature naturally, so that animals don’t run away from us when they see us approaching, so that humans are not the enemy of everything, so that they don’t pollute the air, they don’t pollute the land, and that they become a part of nature; perhaps its king, but a king who serves everyone; perhaps its father, but not a father who yells, but one who knows how to bring a small gift, give a smile, a word, without elevating himself to be respected. The one who loves the most, who pours the most will into his actions, thoughts, and heart, is a father by nature. And the one who is a father by nature knows how to give everyone in the best way what he carries in his heart, in a simple way, so that it can be understood and felt.

Peace is joy, harmony, the ability to achieve the best things in the world. Peace is the Parthenon and the Great Pyramid; peace is the man who can give a coin to all those who need it on the street; peace is the woman who is a light for everyone she lives with at home; peace is the old man who shares his experiences He shares with the younger ones, not out of vanity, but in order to protect them from the physical, psychological, and spiritual drugs of this world, so that they can work with faith in the future.

Let’s be like a lamp… Then we will find inner peace and work towards achieving outer peace. Although it may not seem close, it is worth working for. Peace is not achieved through street protests, but by expressing what we carry in our hearts in a way that touches the hearts of others… Then we will have peace, because peace is born from our own inner struggle, from our tremendous effort and action, from our love. Blessed are those who can feel that love. Blessed are those who bring peace. Blessed are those who have the courage to say that peace is the foundation of all things, regardless of the price we have to pay for it.

Valuable, good things come at a price. Peace is good. Let’s pay for that peace. Let’s pay for our dreams so that peace may reign in the world, in our hearts, and in relationships among people, animals, and plants. Then God will be with us. From a lecture held in Madrid in 1985.
