Pindar – In honor of the heroes

It contains an image related to the title of Pindar - In honor of the heroes

Competitions in ancient Greece, at the Olympic, Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian Games, were a unique aspect of this rich culture because the main prize was not money but the glory symbolized by a wreath made of olive, laurel, or pine branches. The winners were the greatest pride of their cities and were celebrated as heroes, … Read more


Since ancient times, through centuries and centuries, the original meaning of the Greek muses, nine goddesses of harmony and protectors of many divine and human creative arts, has been forgotten. During the Middle Ages, artists and philosophers almost stopped seeking their protection and inspiration, but their name remained ingrained in the words music and museum. … Read more

Whore – guardian of the warehouse

If we delve into Greek or any other mythology, we will notice that almost every aspect of life, both of nature and humans, is symbolically described. Whether it be the laws of nature such as cyclicity and evolution, or the awakening of human consciousness, these processes are symbolically described through Greek mythology. Some symbols are … Read more

Olive tree in Athens

Olive, Latin name Olea europaea L., is an evergreen tree of Mediterranean origin, but it is also cultivated in regions with similar climates, such as California, South Africa, and Australia. Today, there are over a thousand different varieties known. In the Mediterranean region, among the shrubby vegetation of maquis, wild olives with thorny branches and … Read more

The noble spirit of competition

The Olympic Games are always an opportunity to reconnect with the spirit of this most significant sports event, which once had a different purpose than it does today. There is still debate about when they originated, although the majority of historical sources agree that the first Olympic Games of the ancient world were held in … Read more

Kronos and Kairos – two perspectives on time

“When God created time, he said nothing about hurry, African proverb says. However, regardless of that, the fact is that time escapes us. We suffer from a chronic lack of time. Our time is measured by a chronometer, or a clock, while in other cultures time was weighed, which was the task of Kairos, the … Read more