NEZAHUALCÓYOTL – Thoughts on Death

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All things in life have their end. Even in the most joyful course of their vanity and radiance, strength leaves them, and they disintegrate into dust. The whole world is a tomb, and there is nothing living on its surface that will not be hidden and buried beneath it. Rivers, rapids, and streams move forward … Read more

Modern Narcissus

uch a widespread use of digital technologies has seemingly enabled greater connectivity among people, but at the same time, it has facilitated the emergence of the modern Narcissus, a self-centered individual who is dependent on their smartphone and the opinions of others. How can we rid ourselves of these illusions? The figure of Narcissus comes … Read more

Theorem of Dignity

Mindfulness is the conscious and compassionate observation of the moment, without judgment or evaluation. Through regular practice of mindfulness, we can become aware of our own thoughts, emotions, and reactions, and learn how to accept and transform them in a positive way. Therefore, dignity is the ability to maintain internal discipline and use our awareness … Read more

Leonardo Da Vinci – The Unknown Face of the Famous Artist

The Renaissance, a time of revival of all values worthy of man, a reawakening of dormant ideas about the cosmos and man, about the beauty and meaning of science, art, politics, and religion. Is the Earth round? How do planets move? How to achieve depth on a painting canvas? How to create an ideal city? … Read more

Kronos and Kairos – two perspectives on time

“When God created time, he said nothing about hurry, African proverb says. However, regardless of that, the fact is that time escapes us. We suffer from a chronic lack of time. Our time is measured by a chronometer, or a clock, while in other cultures time was weighed, which was the task of Kairos, the … Read more

Francis Bacon – On Death

Francis Bacon – On Death People fear death like children fear the dark, and just as stories amplify this innate fear in children, they do the same in adults. Indeed, contemplating death as punishment for sins and as a transition to another world is sacred and devout; but to fear death as a natural inevitability … Read more