Lancelot Brown – The Father of the Modern Garden

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Large houses in England, such as Petworth House, Hampton Court, Blenheim Palace or Richmond Palace, are surrounded by gardens that are among the most beautiful in the world and are considered ideals of landscape architecture. Each of these gardens is like a fairy-tale pastoral scene with picturesque lakes, gently flowing streams on gentle slopes, meadows … Read more

Ajanta – Buddhist holy city

In ancient times, Buddhist monks, known as bhikshus, did not have a permanent residence. They lived under trees or in caves, or would construct viharas, simple shelters made of twigs and leaves, near populated areas. Gradually, it became customary to place these viharas next to each other, giving rise to monasteries, called sangharamas, which were … Read more

Jade – Stone of Heaven and Earth

Minerals in the mountains are like trees that have their roots, trunks, branches, and lots of leaves… Girolamo Cardano A precious stone that strongly marked ancient Chinese culture with its magical beauty and exceptional properties, and was equally valued in Egypt and among the people of Central America, was jade. When Spanish conquerors started bringing … Read more

Approaching the Summer Solstice

You appear perfect on the heavenly horizon, living disc, source of life! As soon as you rise on the eastern horizon, you fill every beauty with your beauty; in full power, grand, sparkling, high above the lands. Great hymn to Aten When people see you, they regain their sight. The trees turn towards your face, … Read more

Tibetan Prayer Flags

A wind horse carrying the “desire to attain the jewel of enlightenment”. The Tibetan name for prayer flags is dar cho; dar generally means “increase” – of life, prosperity, health, and happiness, while cho refers to all sentient beings. Prayer flags are simple handicrafts that, united with the energy of nature, harmoniously blend with the … Read more

The Mythology of Trees

“You will find more in the forests than in books. Trees and stones will teach you things that no man will tell you. Bernard of Clairvaux” “Nature is the best teacher of man, it exists and develops according to inherent laws and principles, fulfilling and following cosmic archetypes.” “One manifestation of divine forces is trees, … Read more