“Moncize – about the kindness of human nature”

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The Chinese philosopher Mengzi (Mencius, 372-288 BC) is a follower of Confucius’ teachings and a representative of the idealistic wing of Confucianism. He was born in the state of Zou (northwestern part of present-day Shandong province), which bordered the state of Lu, Confucius’ hometown. His mother played an important role in his life, raising him … Read more

Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching: The Book of Path and Virtue

Even the largest tree starts from a small seed. Even the tallest tower starts from a pile of earth. Even the longest journey starts with the first step. However, in the middle of the first millennium BCE, China was hit by political and social unrest. Traditional values gradually lost their original meaning and no longer … Read more

Archytas of Tarentum – philosopher and ruler

Prominent Greek philosopher and ruler, Architas of Tarentum, operated in the first half of the 4th century BC in the former Magna Graecia in southern Italy. He was a representative of the Pythagorean philosophical school and a contemporary of Plato. The teachings and ideas of the Pythagoreans were passed down through Architas, as one link … Read more

Orphic Book of the Dead

From distant, almost forgotten times of Greek tradition, traces of Orphic mysteries and teachings have reached us. Many past centuries transformed their founder into a mythical divine singer with a miraculous voice and a lyre in his hand, who enchanted everyone with his music. Through the myth connecting him with Eurydice, Orpheus inspired many artists … Read more