Do Not Forget the Suitcase

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“Good man,” said a young disciple to Abbot Pastor, “my heart is filled with love for the world, and my soul is pure from the temptations of the evil one. What is my next step?” The abbot asked the disciple to accompany him to visit a sick person in need of final anointing. After consoling … Read more

Cleaning the container

A student came to the teacher and said: “O blessed one, you are pure and incarnated compassion. Help me to rid myself of worldly concerns and their goals and reasons – I am tired of it, and disappointed. I thirst for spiritual knowledge! I am eager to be free from all illusions and delusions that … Read more

The Paths of Transformation of the Cave.

Apuleius’ work The Golden Ass, a literary autobiography dating back eighteen hundred years, reflects the wisdom gained from accumulated experience regarding the virtues and vices of human nature. This sole surviving novel from the Greco-Roman world continues to captivate attention with its “golden” content, which cleverly and wittily compares and analyzes the relationship between man … Read more

Bhagavad Gita

When we consider the Bhagavad Gita solely as an old and valuable literary text, we still cannot remain untouched by the interesting nature of its content. In the epic literature of ancient India, the Bhagavad Gita holds a special place. Most educated Indians are familiar with this holy text by heart. In general, it is … Read more

Rise Towards the Inner Summit

“Adopt the rhythm of nature: patience is its secret.” Ralph Waldo Emerson “Nature always awakens in us a sense of awe and admiration with its unparalleled beauty, mysterious principles, and enigmatic laws that govern the universe.” “For ancient Greek philosophers, especially the pre-Socratics, it is said that they lived with a deep sense of this … Read more

The Mysterious Art of Victory

The topic I want to touch upon today is the mysterious or difficult art of victory. When I say victory, I don’t mean triumphing over someone, breaking down doors, jumping over walls, or feeling superior to others, but rather something much deeper. Many years ago, I had a Teacher who told me that the art … Read more

About Perseverance or the Need to Find One’s Own Rhythm

“Waking up from ‘winter sleep’, dissatisfied with how we spent our time, we often promise ourselves that with the arrival of spring we will turn over a new leaf. And then everything really starts to change.” “Starting over is not that easy. In general, good intentions are not enough in these situations, because as soon … Read more