Shell – a miraculous work of nature

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If we notice a shell on the shore, drawn by an irresistible magnetism, we bend down, take it in our hands, touch it like a flower, observe it as a precious treasure, and feeling the call of mystery, we return it to the sea or, in the desire to possess a piece of beauty, we … Read more

May Tree

The tradition of the May tree represents a fertility ritual associated with the return of leaves to the trees. During the month of May, a tree is ceremoniously planted or a pole representing it is erected. This custom has spread throughout Europe, and different names are associated with it: tree of joy or May tree, … Read more


The Renaissance is not an isolated occurrence in the general history of the world. From ancient China to the civilizations of South and Central America, we encounter instances of the revival of extinct cultural values. These periods of rebirth indicate to us the periodicity of significant historical events and the fact that everything created is … Read more

Revival of the Renaissance

Philosophy is an approach to life and a search for a way to live each day a little better and a little truer. But according to which moral standards should we evaluate our actions? There is a difference between being immoral and being amoral. Amorality means the inability to distinguish right from wrong, therefore it … Read more