Seneca – philosophy as therapy

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Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 – 65 AD) lived in one of the most controversial periods of the Roman Empire. A philosopher, politician, lawyer, prestigious writer even during his lifetime, and a teacher of Emperor Nero, he is one of the leading representatives of Roman stoicism. In his book “What is Philosophy?”, Ortega y Gasset explains … Read more

Is morality relative?

Is Morality Relative? This is one of those philosophical questions that will probably always exist. Undoubtedly, there are many possible answers, but perhaps it is best to start with Immanuel Kant’s philosophy. Kant’s stance on this question was clear. In a world of relativity, only one thing can be considered an unconditional good: goodwill. Talent, … Read more

Philosophy and religion

Philosophy and Religion Today, there is a deep divide between these two areas, and most people perceive them as opposing. Religion, according to general understanding, is associated with faith or blind belief, while philosophy is linked to reason. It seems that faith is contrary to reason. Can this opposition ever be reconciled? In its essence, … Read more