The Magnificent Nile

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“The knot, a symbol of Hapi, represents the union of Upper and Lower Egypt. Relief from the temple in Luxor. Hapi offers sacrificial offerings. The temple of Ramses II in Abydos. The ancient Egyptians did not concern themselves with this because for them, the Nile was a reflection of the celestial river that traveled through … Read more

Egyptian culture

The history of ancient Egypt does not fit into the scientific scheme of the world’s past. The remains of its impressive culture still confuse scientists, while temples, tombs, and pyramids hide their secrets and overshadow many achievements of modern civilization. The officially accepted history of Egyptian culture is counted from around 4000 BC, and the … Read more

Sunny deities

They rightfully call it the light, reason, ruler of the universe. Hermes Trismegistus names it the visible god, and Sophocles’ Electra says it is all-seeing. Thus the Sun sits on the royal throne, ruling over its children, the planets that orbit around it… Nikola Copernicus From an early age, people of the 21st century learn … Read more

Lunar World

Looking at it purely scientifically, the Moon, an indispensable adornment of romantic moments, is merely a huge lifeless mass orbiting the Earth. However, for humans in the past, the Moon had a multiple role: it was not only a precious light for the nocturnal traveler, but the regular rhythm of the Moon’s phases formed the … Read more

Heliopolis Ennead

In Heliopolis (Egyptian Annu), the city of the Sun god-creator, an important Egyptian religious center, the so-called Pyramid Texts were found, inscribed inside the royal pyramids of the V and VI dynasties. They originate from the middle of the third millennium BC and are among the oldest known religious literary works. These writings consist of … Read more

Myth of Osiris

This is a universal myth that relates to the immortality of the soul and the existence of a cosmic destiny in which man should consciously and actively participate. The ancient Egyptian religion is one of the most comprehensive and best-known religions today, although this knowledge is superficial. However, since every historical moment has different symbolism … Read more

The Eye of Horus

The eye is more than a sensory organ; it is the most precious human instrument through which reality is perceived in its widest form. It is often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and that a single glance speaks more than a thousand words. Through the eyes, a person sees beyond … Read more