Urania – The Muse of Astronomy

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Today I saw Urania, the muse of stars, the Celestial, and it was enough to just look up. However, it is difficult to look up today… We are far from the muse, blind to sublime inspiration, because we have learned to love the chains and shackles that bind us more and more to the earth. … Read more

Heliopolis Ennead

In Heliopolis (Egyptian Annu), the city of the Sun god-creator, an important Egyptian religious center, the so-called Pyramid Texts were found, inscribed inside the royal pyramids of the V and VI dynasties. They originate from the middle of the third millennium BC and are among the oldest known religious literary works. These writings consist of … Read more

Tibetan Demons

Your own consciousness, brilliant, empty and inseparable from the Great body of radiation, knows neither birth nor death. It is boundless light – Buddha Amitabha. Bardo Thödol The depiction of Buddha calmly sitting in meditation is recognizable even to those who know little about Buddhism. However, early Buddhist art did not depict Buddha as a … Read more

Mesopotamian Myths of the Flood

, koji je preživio veliki potop. Gilgameš putuje do morskog kraja kako bi pronašao Utnapishtima i saznao tajnu besmrtnosti. Nakon brojnih iskušenja i neuspjeha, Gilgameš se vraća u Uruk praznih ruku, ali bogovi mu otkrivaju da je pravi put do besmrtnosti u ostavljenoj mudrosti i ostavljenoj djeci. Gilgameš shvaća važnost ostavštine koju ostavljamo za buduće … Read more