Puppets and Marionettes – Origin, Symbolism, and History

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What is the art of puppets and marionettes? Art is the expression of beauty and if beauty, as Plato says, reflects the archetype or idea of beauty, then the art of marionettes contains within it the beauty of image, text, music, and harmony of the entire performance. True art carries a profound message that speaks … Read more

Sources of Dance

Throughout history, we encounter a man who dances at birth, death, work, rest, religious ceremonies, war, and peace. In the search for the origins of dance, we inevitably come to the conclusion that dance was initially considered a sacred act and was most directly connected to the spiritual side of the life of each culture. … Read more

Greek Mysteries

Although we know a lot about art, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and other sciences of ancient Greece, the cradle of Western culture and civilization, in the depths of time lies the heart of ancient Greece from which everything we know about this culture was born, and those are the mysteries. Almost all great artists, playwrights, philosophers, … Read more

Please Sunca

“Will you ever begin to understand the meaning of the ground beneath your feet? Everything is sacred – from a grain of sand to a great mountain. On this earth, yesterday and tomorrow coexist eternally. We, the native guardians, are protectors of these sacred places.” Peter Blue Cloud, Mohawk Anthropologists claim that there were about … Read more

Navajo Healer – Hosteen Klah

Beauty in front of me, Behind me, Below me, All around me. I speak through beauty. Annie Kahn, Navajo There have always been people who have pointed out the beauty, meaning, and importance of the culture they belong to. Such was Hosteen Klah, an artist and healer who, among other things, was responsible for preserving … Read more

Eleusinian Mysteries

The mysteries were thinning the veil of enchantment that made the visible world for humans, and for the initiates of the Eleusinian mysteries, death and life were nothing more than two faces of a secret that remains the only foundation of reality, two temporary states of one eternal substance. Eleusinian mysteries, which were held in … Read more