Omar Khayyam

It contains an image related to the title of Omar Khayyam

Omar Khayyam (Abul-fath Omar ibn Ibrahim Khayyam) is a famous Persian scientist, philosopher, and poet. He was born in 1048 in the city of Nishapur, in the Persian province of Khorasan, one of the cultural centers of the East at that time, where he also died at the age of 83. The Islamic world was … Read more

The Great Pyramid

Display of the reconstruction of the elevation in Giza. Their monuments covered in sand, their halls fell into oblivion, but their names are spoken because of the deeds they accomplished, for they are beautiful… Egyptian poetry Of all human achievements in the history of mankind, the most remarkable and enigmatic is the Great Pyramid. Proudly … Read more

Heavenly Disk from Nebre

Where was the oldest astronomical depiction of the sky found? Just a few years ago, even experts would have guessed that it was India, Egypt, or Mesopotamia, but it is possible that the answer is: Germany. The so-called Neben’s disc is a crucial discovery for European prehistory, the history of astronomy, and early religious history. … Read more

Aztec Calendar

Time and eternity of the Stone of the Sun After the fall of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, which was leveled to the ground by conquerors in 1521, many valuable and magnificent works of the Aztecs were deeply buried and forgotten. The same fate befell the Stone of the Sun, as its colors … Read more


Since ancient times, through centuries and centuries, the original meaning of the Greek muses, nine goddesses of harmony and protectors of many divine and human creative arts, has been forgotten. During the Middle Ages, artists and philosophers almost stopped seeking their protection and inspiration, but their name remained ingrained in the words music and museum. … Read more

How were the names of planets formed?

Man has always gazed at the sky, drawn by the beauty of its dark blue depths and infinity. The mysterious movements of stars and planets have led him to observe and study the laws of their motion since ancient times. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto – dwarf planet Although Hipparchus was … Read more

Winter Solstice

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – Birthday of the Invincible Sun We are part of nature and what happens in it necessarily affects us humans. Nature expresses its laws through phenomena that are both events and symbols. Many myths, legends, and still living customs of the people speak about them and explain how humans are connected … Read more


The Bandiagara Escarpment with its rocky ridge is one of the most impressive geological formations in Western Africa. The escarpment is located in Mali, south of the Sahara and the ancient city of Timbuktu, and adjacent to the ridge that runs parallel to the Niger River are the fortified settlements of the Dogon people. According … Read more

Nikola Kuzanski – On Learned Ignorance

Numerous philosophical, humanistic, and scientific concepts that constitute the modern worldview are based on philosophical and humanistic ideas from the Renaissance and the late Middle Ages. Included among them are the philosophical ideas of the relatively unknown medieval philosopher, theologian, and humanist Nicholas of Cusa, whom contemporary scholars identify as a philosopher bridging the gap … Read more

Leonardo Da Vinci – The Unknown Face of the Famous Artist

The Renaissance, a time of revival of all values worthy of man, a reawakening of dormant ideas about the cosmos and man, about the beauty and meaning of science, art, politics, and religion. Is the Earth round? How do planets move? How to achieve depth on a painting canvas? How to create an ideal city? … Read more