Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli

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In Tivoli, a town near Rome, there is one of the most beautiful residential buildings built during the long existence of the Roman Empire. On an area of ​​about a hundred hectares, more than thirty individual buildings of this unique urban complex were built, which, although devastated by centuries of looting and devastation, still show … Read more

The Tomb of Tutankhamun – Centenary of Discovery

A Centenary of Discovery There are extraordinary events that, with their significance, divide history into time before and after them. The discovery of the tomb of the previously unknown, prematurely deceased pharaoh Tutankhamun certainly belongs among the most famous. Of all the Egyptian wonders, the legendary Valley of the Kings’ tombs arouses the most imagination. … Read more

Toltecs – Guardians of the Ancient Mexican Tradition

The Mexican plateau is a land of volcanoes and lakes, desert areas and fertile valleys. The Valley of Mexico is located in the southern part of the plateau, at an altitude of about 2200 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains of volcanic origin whose altitude reaches up to 5000 meters. This area has been … Read more

Teotihuacán – The Place Where Gods Are Created

The greatest religious, artistic, commercial, and general urban center of Central America ever discovered is the magnificent metropolis of Teotihuacán. Located in the heart of the Mexican highlands, Teotihuacán extended its dominant influence throughout the entire so-called classical period, spreading hundreds of kilometers to areas that are now part of Guatemala and Honduras, integrating with … Read more

Mysterious Egypt

Ancient Egypt has always been mysterious and incomprehensible to the mentality of Western civilization. One important reason for this is the long time span between the collapse of the Egyptian civilization and the beginning of the development of the first civilization on European soil. Although the Egyptian state formally lasted until Cleopatra’s death in 30 … Read more

Sacsayhuaman – Stone Head of the Puma

North of Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Incas, at an elevation of about 3550 meters above sea level, almost five centuries after the downfall of the Inca empire, the magnificent walls of Sacsayhuaman (Saksaq Waman) still stand – a fortress that continues to amaze archaeologists, historians, and tourists with its dimensions and architectural style. … Read more

Letters through civilizations

Although the history of humanity and the evolution of nature are shrouded in mystery and to some extent incomprehensible, we are connected to them and continue them through many links. There are countless traces left by the past of humanity, which stand before us today and speak to us about their lives, experiences, dreams, and … Read more

Heavenly Disk from Nebre

Where was the oldest astronomical depiction of the sky found? Just a few years ago, even experts would have guessed that it was India, Egypt, or Mesopotamia, but it is possible that the answer is: Germany. The so-called Neben’s disc is a crucial discovery for European prehistory, the history of astronomy, and early religious history. … Read more

Homer’s Troy

Like the ruins of the city named Troy lay dormant under layers of earth, so did the epics Iliad and Odyssey, along with many other epics and songs, become forgotten with the decline of ancient culture, waiting for a rebirth. This rebirth happened during the Renaissance, when there was a renewed interest in all things … Read more

Valley of Kings and Queens – Part 1

“Our perception of the world and the ancient Egyptians’ perception of the world differ greatly, including their attitudes towards death. For the ancient Egyptians, there was only one life. It was the life of the soul, which, through many earthly lives, came to understand and realize its immortality. In the afterlife, the soul was as … Read more