Obstacle or Opportunity

It contains an image related to the title of Obstacle or Opportunity

In ancient times, a king placed a large stone in the middle of the road. He then hid and observed if anyone would move the stone. Several powerful individuals and wealthy merchants from his kingdom came to the stone and went around it. Some loudly criticized the king for not doing anything to keep the … Read more

There is no king but God

When ordinary people come before the king, they say: “Long live the king forever!” Once, in ancient times, there lived a man who, upon coming to the court, always said: “There is no king but God.” He repeated the same sentence constantly, which greatly angered the king who eventually decided to kill him. The man … Read more

Ajanta – Buddhist holy city

In ancient times, Buddhist monks, known as bhikshus, did not have a permanent residence. They lived under trees or in caves, or would construct viharas, simple shelters made of twigs and leaves, near populated areas. Gradually, it became customary to place these viharas next to each other, giving rise to monasteries, called sangharamas, which were … Read more

Cycladic figurines

“In the Aegean Sea, southeast of Attica and north of Crete, there is a scattered group of Greek islands known as the Cyclades. There are a total of two hundred and twenty islands, mostly uninhabited due to their inaccessible cliffs that drop into the sea, unpredictable climate, sudden storms, very little rainfall, and infertile soil. … Read more


Since ancient times, through centuries and centuries, the original meaning of the Greek muses, nine goddesses of harmony and protectors of many divine and human creative arts, has been forgotten. During the Middle Ages, artists and philosophers almost stopped seeking their protection and inspiration, but their name remained ingrained in the words music and museum. … Read more