Memoirs of Hadrian

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javljen 1951. godine. Ovaj roman je iznimno vrijedan i originalan doprinos svjetskoj književnosti. Hadrijanove memoare su vrlo dojmljivo napisano djelo koje nas uvodi u svijet Rimskog Carstva i portretira život cara Hadrijana. Kroz memoare, Yourcenar nam daje dubok uvid u Hadrijanovu unutarnju borbu, njegove misli i osjećaje. Roman nam otkriva složene aspekte njegove ličnosti i … Read more

Homer’s Troy

Like the ruins of the city named Troy lay dormant under layers of earth, so did the epics Iliad and Odyssey, along with many other epics and songs, become forgotten with the decline of ancient culture, waiting for a rebirth. This rebirth happened during the Renaissance, when there was a renewed interest in all things … Read more

Mahabharata – Part I

The Great Song of the Bharata Tribe This ancient Indian epic is often referred to as the Indian encyclopedia of history and mythology, politics, law, theology, and philosophy. In addition to the historical elements that depict the development and changes within the ancient Aryan civilization, the Mahabharata reflects both the world of one of the … Read more