Collaboration, laws and myth – foundations of civilization

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According to Yuval Noah Harari, the author of the books Sapiens, Homo Deus, and other bestsellers, the reason why human beings began to dominate the planet is not because we were more intelligent, but because we learned to cooperate. In order to achieve cooperation, we need rules or laws that we all accept and adhere … Read more

What does it mean to be free?

It seems that the recent history of humanity has been focused on experiencing freedom as one of the greatest values in life. As a result, each of us is fighting to conquer this esteemed prize. Freedom that is simply free, without rules, empty of content and purpose, follows the example of a miser desperately accumulating … Read more

Francis Bacon – On Beauty

Francis Bacon – On Beauty Virtue is like a precious gemstone, most valuable in its simplicity, without adornments; indeed, virtue best suits a person of plain appearance, though not necessarily refined features, who possesses a dignified bearing rather than a beautiful exterior. It is not often observed that very beautiful individuals are endowed with great … Read more