Arch of Triumphs in the Roman Empire

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Roman culture, the last great culture of the ancient world, was created on the Hellenistic heritage. However, Greek and Roman cultures were based on different value systems. Greek artists were deeply religious and their greatest architectural achievement was the temple. In their artistic expression, they sought the universal, the ideal form, and they sought harmony … Read more

Meeting of Cultures Throughout Time

“The pursuit of knowledge and discovery is the joy and right of humanity.” – Alexander von Humboldt “The exploration of encounters between nations, the interaction of different cultures, sometimes thousands of kilometers apart, is one of the most exciting branches of science.” “Cultures have always communicated with each other. Communication between cultures allows for new … Read more


In the hinterland of Zadar, southeast of Benkovac, is located one of the most important Liburnian, later Roman settlements in that area – Asseria. Asseria is surrounded by a stone ring with a length of about 2.5 kilometers, whose megalithic walls reach up to 7 meters in height and 3 meters in width. The weight … Read more