Indian poetry

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Oh, Infinite! There is an old bond between you and me; a tight bond forged by poets. Namdev (1270 – 1350) Poetry is undoubtedly one of the witnesses of the human spirit and life. Every valuable poem opens up a landscape through which we encounter the elements of life’s reality. We strive to experience them … Read more

Is there free will?

The question of free will is one of the oldest and most enduring questions faced by humanity. It was contemplated by the ancient Greeks in their tragedies, such as in King Oedipus, where it appears that the hero’s fate is predetermined, regardless of his efforts to prevent or change it. The Greeks, and their cultural … Read more

Plotinus – The Founder of the Neoplatonic School

Plotinus’ era coincides with the beginning of the end of ancient civilization and the formation of Christianity. In the vast Roman Empire, the internal impulse that drove it was gradually fading away, leading to spiritual upheaval and the emergence of numerous sects. The mysterious centers of knowledge that were the driving force behind ancient culture … Read more