Symbolism of the Sword

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dugi. Na primjer, mač Excalibur pripadao je kralju Arthuru, dok je mač Durandal pripadao vitezovi Rolandu. Ovi mačevi su imali posebnu snagu i čaroliju koja je pomogla njihovim vlasnicima u njihovim zastrašujućim bitkama. , “his life” and his power. The most famous ones are: Excalibur – the sword of King Arthur, Balmung – the famous … Read more

The Mysterious Yggdrasil

One old Nordic song, Voluspa or Vision of the Prophetess (written in the 12th century), speaks about the birth and life of the universe, as well as its end. At the very beginning, when the prophetess mentions a time when there was no land, sea, or sky – only the primal void from which everything … Read more

Edda – the world of Norse sagas

Germans are one of the Indo-European peoples who, according to some historians, inhabited Scandinavia around the 1st century BC and from there expanded westward and southeastward Europe. It is a collection of numerous tribes without a unified state, but with a common language, cultural connections, and religious symbolism. Data on the religion and mythology of … Read more