Kronos and Kairos – two perspectives on time

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“When God created time, he said nothing about hurry, African proverb says. However, regardless of that, the fact is that time escapes us. We suffer from a chronic lack of time. Our time is measured by a chronometer, or a clock, while in other cultures time was weighed, which was the task of Kairos, the … Read more

Giordano Bruno

This year marks the 420th anniversary of Giordano Bruno’s death. As his burning at the stake is often mentioned more frequently than the significance of his philosophy, we consider it necessary to briefly outline the basic features of Giordano Bruno’s philosophical thought. Bruno expanded Copernicus’ heliocentric system to include the “infinity of the universe and … Read more

Albert the Great

The divine truth lies beyond the reach of our understanding, we ourselves cannot attain it until it decides to reveal itself; for as Augustine says, it is that inner teacher without whom the external teacher strives futilely. Although the Middle Ages are described as a dark age, marked by a lack of universal orientation and … Read more

Nikolai Berdyaev – On Philosophy and Philosophers

The insatiable need of modern man for classification attempted to place the Russian intellectual Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev into one of the clearly defined sociological categories, so he was often labeled as Christian or Marxist, although he himself clearly claimed in his autobiography that he considered himself “incapable of being part of any organization” and that … Read more