Story of the Flower

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Once Buddha came to a lecture holding a flower in his hand. He remained silent for a long time until someone dared to ask him why he was silent. Buddha smiled and said: “This flower I hold in my hand speaks more than I could ever tell you, more than can be expressed in words. … Read more

Kakuzo Okakura – The Book of Tea

No. Always seek the truth of beauty, each time returning to the world of ordinary experience.” Through participation in something seemingly simple, the tea ceremony allowed participants to immerse themselves in their own inner peace and experience a sense of unity with the world. To simultaneously be of elevated spirit, yet present in one’s surroundings. … Read more

Ajanta – Buddhist holy city

In ancient times, Buddhist monks, known as bhikshus, did not have a permanent residence. They lived under trees or in caves, or would construct viharas, simple shelters made of twigs and leaves, near populated areas. Gradually, it became customary to place these viharas next to each other, giving rise to monasteries, called sangharamas, which were … Read more

The Sacred Trees of the Buddha’s Life

In all depictions of Buddha’s life, trees play a significant role. In Theravada Buddhism, they are not just a part of nature, but symbolically linked to the stages of the “Awakened One’s” destiny. Some of these trees were considered sacred in Hinduism before Buddha’s arrival, while others became sacred because of Buddha. This also reveals … Read more

How did Zen arrive in Japan?

Japanu je mjesto gdje se prakticira zen budizam. U Japanu ima trinaest različitih budističkih škola, svaka sa svojim hramovima, svećenicima i brojnim sljedbenicima. Te škole uključuju tendai, shingon, rinzai, jodo, nichiren, soto, obaku, ritsu, juzu-nenbucu, hosso, kegon i ji-shu. Od tih trinaest škola, tri su povezane sa zen budizmom: rinzai, soto i obaku. Riječ “zen” … Read more


Mandalas, as complex symbols, originated in the cultural tradition of tantric Buddhism, but the fundamental idea of the mandala is not solely limited to the Far East. It is present in the architecture, art, and philosophy of all cultures throughout human history, making the concept of connecting the divine and human worlds into a harmonious … Read more

Tibetan Demons

Your own consciousness, brilliant, empty and inseparable from the Great body of radiation, knows neither birth nor death. It is boundless light – Buddha Amitabha. Bardo Thödol The depiction of Buddha calmly sitting in meditation is recognizable even to those who know little about Buddhism. However, early Buddhist art did not depict Buddha as a … Read more


There was a beautiful orchard, full of trees and fruit, grapevines and greenery. In it sat a Sufi with closed eyes, with his head on his knees, deeply immersed in meditation. “Why,” they asked him, “do you not look at the signs of God that the Merciful One has scattered around you and that He … Read more

Zen – The Art of Living

An attempt to explain women should be freed from demands and expectations, because every attempt to write about a woman is limited by rational discourse. To truly learn something about a woman and have a direct benefit from it in our life, we must empty our minds and be open to the new, as in … Read more

Dhammapada – Path of Righteousness

In the rich treasury of Asian culture, Buddhism occupies a significant place as a phenomenon that has shaped the thinking, customs, art, philosophy, and religion of various peoples and connected the vast expanses of this continent. By the end of the 6th century BC, it spread throughout India and, by the 7th century, encompassed Turkestan, … Read more