Ivan Meštrović – Eternity in Stone

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“One must be in love with eternity for the work to at least be a shadow of it. Immortality is imprisoned within us like in a dungeon; we must release it into the light – into harmony with what is immortal around us and above us. That is inspiration, muse, and revelation. Ivan Meštrović” “In … Read more

What is imagination?

f the most powerful tools we possess as human beings. It is not just a means of escaping reality or indulging in whimsical thoughts; it has the potential to elevate our consciousness beyond the limitations of the material world and connect us with the spiritual dimensions. In our modern Western society, imagination is often seen … Read more

Crisis of Upbringing and Education – Part I

Educational standards, such as literacy levels, mathematical knowledge, and general knowledge and behavior, have been declining in the developed world. Millions of young people are not inclined towards school. Today, they do not see much value in formal education, despite the fact that previous generations fought hard to make it accessible, which was once a … Read more