Homer’s Troy

It contains an image related to the title of Homer's Troy

Like the ruins of the city named Troy lay dormant under layers of earth, so did the epics Iliad and Odyssey, along with many other epics and songs, become forgotten with the decline of ancient culture, waiting for a rebirth. This rebirth happened during the Renaissance, when there was a renewed interest in all things … Read more

Egyptian Temple

An avenue of 40 rams in front of the facade of the great Temple of Amun in Karnak. In front of this avenue, there used to be the “old pier”, a pool for ritual boats, one of which was 30 meters long. The pool was connected to the Nile by a canal. The facade of … Read more


The Renaissance is not an isolated occurrence in the general history of the world. From ancient China to the civilizations of South and Central America, we encounter instances of the revival of extinct cultural values. These periods of rebirth indicate to us the periodicity of significant historical events and the fact that everything created is … Read more