Lovelock’s Living Planet of Gaya

It contains an image related to the title of Lovelock's Living Planet of Gaya

GAIA Gaia, the universal mother, I sing, of solid foundations, The honorable elder who nourishes all that exists on Earth. Everything that walks on the divine land, that swims in the sea, And everything that flies – you sustain them with your abundance. From you, beautiful children and the fruits of humanity are born, Mistress, … Read more

Ecology and Buddhism

“We need to develop a sense of general responsibility towards the various problems our planet is facing. Responsibility does not lie solely with the leaders of our countries or those appointed or elected to do a specific job. It lies with each and every one of us individually. Peace, for example, begins within each of … Read more

The Unknown Amazon – Terra Preta

The first descriptions of Spaniards who came to the area of the Amazon city of Manaus in 1542 in search of El Dorado describe a populous population and abundance of cultivated fruits and vegetables. However, their testimony quickly falls into oblivion, and decades later, scientists would claim with disbelief that the jungle and the extremely … Read more