Strength of Unity

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One of the things that causes us the most damage today is the lack of unity, which is visible everywhere, in every sphere of life. Criticism is a daily occurrence, mistrust is the prevailing feeling, and it undermines any sense of solidarity among people. The fundamental concept in philosophy is unity. It is not just … Read more

Martian arts

The concept of martial arts is usually associated with numerous combat techniques that come from the Far East. Their historical origin is the ancient martial art of the Indian kshatriyas (warriors), known as Kalari Payit, which was brought to China by the legendary Bodhidharma as a form of exercise for Shaolin monks. This gave rise … Read more

Eclecticism – in search of truth

Eclecticism is the philosophical stance that, without prior opposition, analysis, and consideration of things, compares and relates them in order to find the best, with the goal of highlighting the one that is most valuable of acceptance. However, this clear and concise definition of truth-seeking is often overlooked in the common use of the term … Read more