Athenian School

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to uronimo u njezinu simboliku i interpretiramo je na dubljoj razini. Slike Rafaela Santija uvijek su nosile slojevita značenja i Atenska škola nije iznimka. Putovanje u prošlost nam pruža priliku da istražimo različite kulture i razumijemo njihov utjecaj na današnje vrijeme. Susresti se s velikanima povijesti omogućuje nam da se inspiriramo njihovom vizijom i razumijemo … Read more

History of 20th Century Philosophy

20th Century History of Philosophy The philosophy of the 20th century is a period of philosophy that encompasses the intellectual traditions and philosophical movements that have emerged from the late 19th century onwards and continue to the present day. The philosophy of the 20th century is referred to as contemporary philosophy. The concept of “contemporary” … Read more