NEZAHUALCÓYOTL – Thoughts on Death

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All things in life have their end. Even in the most joyful course of their vanity and radiance, strength leaves them, and they disintegrate into dust. The whole world is a tomb, and there is nothing living on its surface that will not be hidden and buried beneath it. Rivers, rapids, and streams move forward … Read more

Urania – The Muse of Astronomy

Today I saw Urania, the muse of stars, the Celestial, and it was enough to just look up. However, it is difficult to look up today… We are far from the muse, blind to sublime inspiration, because we have learned to love the chains and shackles that bind us more and more to the earth. … Read more

How were the names of planets formed?

Man has always gazed at the sky, drawn by the beauty of its dark blue depths and infinity. The mysterious movements of stars and planets have led him to observe and study the laws of their motion since ancient times. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto – dwarf planet Although Hipparchus was … Read more

Giordano Bruno

This year marks the 420th anniversary of Giordano Bruno’s death. As his burning at the stake is often mentioned more frequently than the significance of his philosophy, we consider it necessary to briefly outline the basic features of Giordano Bruno’s philosophical thought. Bruno expanded Copernicus’ heliocentric system to include the “infinity of the universe and … Read more