Eleusinian Mysteries

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The mysteries were thinning the veil of enchantment that made the visible world for humans, and for the initiates of the Eleusinian mysteries, death and life were nothing more than two faces of a secret that remains the only foundation of reality, two temporary states of one eternal substance. Eleusinian mysteries, which were held in … Read more

Mysterious cycles of human life – Part I

Our life is a long road. When you’re young, it seems endless, and you live with a feeling that everything is ahead of you and that you have plenty of time, so much so that you don’t even know how to use it and what to fill it with. At the end of life, when … Read more

Quality of life

The logical consequence of the excessive demands that our technological civilization places on humans, which is primarily based on the quality and usefulness of its products, is that attention has finally turned to the human being, the most important factor in any civilization model, whether it is technological or not. In recent years, it has … Read more

Philosophy of the Nahuatl People

In his remarkable work Ancient Mexicans, Miguel Angel Portillo expresses the depth and complexity of Aztec thought and demonstrates how there is an entire philosophy within their codes, oral tradition, and sacred buildings. Their ideas encompass a whole magical-rational conception of the divine and the abstract. This includes the causes of natural events (metaphysics), the … Read more