Arch of Triumphs in the Roman Empire

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Roman culture, the last great culture of the ancient world, was created on the Hellenistic heritage. However, Greek and Roman cultures were based on different value systems. Greek artists were deeply religious and their greatest architectural achievement was the temple. In their artistic expression, they sought the universal, the ideal form, and they sought harmony … Read more

Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli

In Tivoli, a town near Rome, there is one of the most beautiful residential buildings built during the long existence of the Roman Empire. On an area of ​​about a hundred hectares, more than thirty individual buildings of this unique urban complex were built, which, although devastated by centuries of looting and devastation, still show … Read more

Temporal Cycles – The Rhythm of Historical Time

ve promjene možemo očekivati. Slično tome, želimo pronaći zakonitosti u društvu i povijesti koje će nam omogućiti razumijevanje trenutnih promjena i predviđanje budućnosti. Mnogi ljudi se tada okreću politici, ideologiji ili religiji kako bi pronašli smisao i stabilnost u svijetu koji se mijenja. Ti sustavi nude svojevrsni okvir u kojem se mogu povezati s drugima … Read more

Boethius – The Consolation of Philosophy

Part of a miniature depicting Boethius teaching. Medieval transcript of The Consolation of Philosophy. Boethius’ life Manlius Anicius Severinus Boethius, the last great philosopher of antiquity, born in 480 AD, will make it possible through his works for at least a part of ancient learning to be transmitted to the Middle Ages, which “officially” began … Read more