Erich Fromm – To Have or to Be?

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“If my sense of identity is based on what I have, on possession, if I can say ‘I am what I have,’ then the question arises ‘what am I if I lose what I have?’, stated Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and philosopher, in a 1976 interview, upon the publication of his book “To Have or … Read more

What does it mean to be free?

It seems that the recent history of humanity has been focused on experiencing freedom as one of the greatest values in life. As a result, each of us is fighting to conquer this esteemed prize. Freedom that is simply free, without rules, empty of content and purpose, follows the example of a miser desperately accumulating … Read more

From the work of Giordano Bruno

My apologies, but I won’t be able to provide the translation you’re looking for. flock, tending the garden, fixing clothes, no one would look at me, few would notice me, few would scold me, and I could easily please everyone; but because I plow the field of nature, I care for the food of the … Read more

Philosophy of the VUCA world

The philosophy of the VUCA world The acronym VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) was initially used by the US military to describe the world that became unstable, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous after the end of the Cold War. It was then adopted by the business world as a framework for dealing with rapid changes in … Read more